The Caucus for the Town of Little Wolf will be held on
Tuesday, January 21, 2025 at 6:30 PM
At the Little Wolf Town Hall, at E6325 County Rd N, Manawa
For the purpose of nominating Candidates for all Town
Board positions. Terms are 2 years, starting on April 15, 2025.
The Election will be on Tuesday, April 1, 2025.
January 7, 2025 Minutes
Town of Little Wolf
Meeting Proceedings
Tuesday, January 7, 2025
Little Wolf Town Hall
Chairman Moede called the regular monthly meeting to Order at 6:00 pm. Roll call showed Moede, R. Beyer, Wilz and Beyer present. 3 Visitors present. Niemuth was excused.
Beyer /Moede to approve the Agenda. Motion Carried 2-0.
Moede/Beyer to approve the December 10, 2024 Minutes. Motion Carried 2-0.
Treasurer’s Report: Wilz gave the fund balances. Total cash on hand, as of 12/31/2024, was $ 1,187,873.77. Total interest earned this year to date is $21,297.82. The Clerk and the Treasurer reconciled to the bank statement. Moede/Beyer to approve the Treasurers report. Carried 2-0. Wilz stated the Escrow checks from the mortgage companies have not been received, with no reason given. Taxpayers can rest assured that if the payment was postmarked December 31st or earlier, it will be entered as a 2024 payment, as allowed by law.
Constable Report- only Bear Lake complaints.
Visitor: Debbie Sarna, Debbie Linjer and Jay Bessette were present to speak about the progress of the dam and Mill Pond restoration. Bessette did speak with the Mayor of Manawa, regarding rebuilding a dam. Bessette recommended the City renew the contract with the Hydro company, however the licensing of the hydro will be a big expense if the City has to apply for a new one. Bessette is going to work at the State level with representatives, as well as at the Federal level, to advocate for funding from those sources. The DNR and FERC are going to be the first negotiations; Bessette has offered his help and resources to speed the process wherever possible. We all should be on the same team, with the priority of restoring a body of water, Bessette stated. The Town Board and Bessette were in agreement that an attorney with experience in Hydro contracts should be secured by the City, citing the cost will be worth the expertise.
Bear Lake Parking: Beyer spoke with County Highway Department staff- they stated the DNR will allow the Town to gravel a wider shoulder on the South side of North Water Drive, to allow cars to be farther off the road edge, to allow for a safer flow of traffic. Timeline is unclear as of today, as this information was just obtained on the day of this meeting.
Land Use Permits/ UDC Permits: None to report
Fire/Ambulance report: Fire Dept reports all Firefighter 2 classes were completed with success. 14 calls since November 1. Roster has 30 members. Ambulance reports 20 calls in November, and they are now operating as a Paramedic Flex Service. Next meeting is January 21 at 5:00 pm at the Manawa Municipal Building.
Building Use: All good.
Roads: Winter road maintenance as usual. Beyer received a call from a Knopp Rd resident, complaint about the snow plow digging up divots. Beyer went and took pictures, with the snow melted, it was easy to see. Beyer will meet with resident and try to resolve the matter.
Budget Amendment BA24-05 reads: That the sum of $49,135.05 from the General Government account; 25,668.64 from the Roads account; 1,074.24 from the Fire/Amb account; 800.00 from the Recreation; 587.01 from the Landfill account; 1,768.23 from the Recycling account; 261.26 from the Comp Planning account, for a total of $79,294.42 to go into the Cash Carryover account. Motion from Moede/Beyer to approve the BA24-05. Carried by all. This is the final Budget amendment for 2024.
Caucus will be held on Tuesday, January 21 at 6:00 PM.
Correspondence was reviewed. Discussion regarding dogs and the need to have a place to take stray dogs until the owner is located. This is due to Wolf River Vet Clinic in New London not willing to shelter strays anymore. Discussion on options for the Town. This will be a February agenda item.
Beyer/Moede to approve payment of bills with checks 4272-4312. Carried 2-0
Beyer/Moede to adjourn. Meeting was adjourned at 8:41 pm.
These Minutes are subject to Board approval.
Respectfully submitted, Jackie Beyer, Clerk
Agenda for January 7, 2025
Tuesday, January 7, 2025
Little Wolf Town Hall
E6325 County Rd N, Manawa
6:00 PM
Pledge of Allegiance
Roll Call of Officials – Moede, Beyer, Niemuth, Wilz, Beyer
Approval of Agenda-
Clerk’s Report – Approval of December 10, 2024 Minutes
Treasurer’s Report- Approval
Constable’s Report – Approval
Public Input –
• Discuss possible parking for Bear Lake
• Update on Mill Pond Restoration, if any
• Land Use Permits/UDC Permits
• CSM approval, if necessary
• Fire/Ambulance Report
• Building Use and Maintenance:
• Generator check & fire extinguishers
• Road Report/Maintenance Work
• Budget Amendments, if necessary
• Caucus Reminder- January 21, 2025 at 6:00 PM
Payment of Bills –
Affidavit of Posting: this notice was posted on or before 1/4/2025
Jackie Beyer, Clerk, Town of Little Wolf
Notice of Meeting- 12-16-2024
Notice of Meeting
Town of Little Wolf /City of Manawa, Committee of the Whole
Monday, December 16, 2024
4:30 pm
Manawa Municipal Building
The Town Board has been invited to a Committee of the Whole meeting at the Manawa Municipal Building, to be present to aid in discussion/recommendation to the City Council, regarding moving forward with a new collaborative agreement regarding the Manawa Dam.
A quorum of the Town Board may be present, however no decisions regarding expenditures of Town funds will be made.
Posted on Saturday, December 14, 2024
Jackie Beyer, Town Clerk
Special Board Meeting Notice
1:00 PM
The Town Board Chairman has called a Special Meeting of the Board, to take place on FRIDAY, DECEMBER 13, 2024 at 1:00 PM, at the Little Wolf Town Hall. This meeting is Open to the Public.
The Agenda is as follows:
Call to Order with Open Meeting Statement: this meeting is Open to the Public and the press has been notified, so the citizens may be made aware of the time and place and purpose of the meeting.
Roll Call
Discussion/Action on :
• Discuss/Approve moving forward with a new agreement between the Town and the City of Manawa regarding the Manawa Dam and Mill Pond Restoration
Affidavit of Posting: this agenda/notice was posted on or before Thursday, December 12, 2024
Signed, Jackie Beyer, Clerk
Minutes from December 10, 2024
Town of Little Wolf
Meeting Proceedings
Tuesday, December 10, 2024
Little Wolf Town Hall
Chairman Moede called the regular monthly meeting to Order at 6:00 pm. Roll call showed Moede, R. Beyer, Niemuth, Wilz and Beyer present. 2 Visitors arrived at 6:00 pm.
Beyer /Niemuth to approve the Agenda. Motion Carried 3-0.
Moede/Niemuth to approve the November 12, 2024 Minutes. Motion Carried 3-0.
Treasurer’s Report: Wilz gave the fund balances. Total cash on hand, as of 12/7/2024, was $ 295,656.55. Total interest earned this year to date is $19,878.91. The Clerk and the Treasurer reconciled to the bank statement. Moede/Niemuth to approve the Treasurers report. Carried 3-0.
Visitor: Debbie Sarna and Jay Bessette were present to speak about their group and stated their members have formed groups to visit neighboring communities to see how they dealt with draw downs and other aspects of dam maintenance/repairs. Also reached out to our State Representatives to inquire about possible grants or funding opportunities. They offered their assistance in any way the Board would like to include them. The Board thanked them for their continued interest and offer of assistance. Sarna and Bessette left the meeting at 6:30 pm.
Update on Mill Pond Restoration: no new items to report. Informational Meeting w/City Dam Committee is on December 11. Rod and Jackie Beyer will be attending the meeting. More info expected after that happens.
Land Use Permits: None to report
UDC Permits: Received payment and report on one new home on Miller Lane.
Fire/Ambulance report: Fire Dept received the yearly donation from the Lions Club, which they returned due to the cancellation. One new Paramedic on staff for the Ambulance Department. Next meeting is December 17, 2024 at 6 pm. This meeting is open to the public.
Building Use: Generator repair took place this morning, December 10. Furnace in community room needs repair, scheduled to happen on December 11, 2024. (Manawa Heating replaced a motor on December 10th, all working again.)
Roads: All small patching and grading jobs have been completed.
Budget Amendment BA24-04 reads: That the sum of $85.26 from the General Government account, to the Comprehensive Planning account” was discussed. Motion from Moede/Beyer to approve the BA24-04. Carried by all.
January Monthly Board Meeting will be on Tuesday, January 7, 2024 at 6:00 pm.
Caucus will be held on Tuesday, January 21 at 6:00 PM.
Correspondence was reviewed. A Patronage Thank you card from Premier Community Bank was received.
Bills and checks were presented for payment. Checks numbering 4260-4274 were presented for payables, with the Treasurer retaining 24 additional checks, to pay out Escrow Refunds and the January Settlements as they are incurred. Niemuth/Beyer to approve payment of bills with checks 4260-4274 and checks numbering 4275-4298 for the Treasurer. Carried 3-0
Niemuth/Beyer to adjourn. Meeting was adjourned at 7:22 pm.
Respectfully submitted, Jackie Beyer, Clerk
Agenda for December 10, 2024
Tuesday, December 10, 2024
Little Wolf Town Hall
E6325 County Rd N, Manawa
6:00 PM
Pledge of Allegiance
Roll Call of Officials – Moede, Beyer, Niemuth, Wilz, Beyer
Approval of Agenda-
Clerk’s Report – Approval of November 12, 2024 Minutes-
approve QB Payroll subscription- tax bill update
Treasurer’s Report- Approval
Constable’s Report – Approval
Public Input – Visitors: Little Wolf Coalition Group
• Update on Mill Pond Restoration, if any
• Land Use Permits/UDC Permits
• CSM approval, if necessary
• Fire/Ambulance Report
• Building Use and Maintenance:
• Generator check & fire extinguishers
• Road Report/Maintenance Work
• Budget Amendments, if necessary
• Schedule Caucus
Payment of Bills –
Affidavit of Posting: this notice was posted on or before 12/6/2024
Jackie Beyer, Clerk, Town of Little Wolf
Minutes of Special Elector Meeting to Adopt 2024 Levy and Town Board Meeting
Town of Little Wolf
Meeting Proceedings
Tuesday, November 12, 2024
Little Wolf Town Hall
Chairman Moede called the regular monthly meeting to Order at 5:40 pm. Roll call showed Moede, R. Beyer, Niemuth, Wilz and Beyer present. 3 Visitors arrived at 6:00 pm.
Beyer /Niemuth to approve the Agenda. Motion Carried 3-0.
Niemuth/Beyer to approve the October 9, 2024 Minutes. Motion Carried 3-0.
Treasurer’s Report: Wilz gave the fund balances. Total cash on hand, as of 10/31/2024, was $ 234,079.61. Total interest earned this year to date is $19,272.61. The Clerk and the Treasurer reconciled to the bank statement. Moede/Niemuth to approve the Treasurers report. Carried 3-0.
Visitor: Debbie Sarna, Jay Bessette and Melissa Habeck were present to speak about their group and their goals of getting more communication from the City regarding the Manawa Mill Pond. The Board told them that there will be a need for their group to make phone calls and send letters, when that action is appropriate. They are circulating a petition to request more information from the City of Manawa, with Bessette stating he moved to his home because of the Mill Pond, and just wants to see it restored. The Town stated they realize the value of the resource and are working with the City’s Dam Committee to develop a plan of action that will protect property values in the Town.
Discussion regarding the Assessor Contract renewal, with MidState Assessment. The proposal covers the potential necessary actions to stay compliant with the DOR, and keeping up with whatever the housing market throws at us. Motion by Moede/Niemuth to approve the 3 year contract, for an annual amount of $26,000, and an additional $14,000 for the year that all parcels will be reclassified to more accurately match their classifications. Carried 3-0.
Budget 2025: the Public Hearing for the 2025 Proposed Budget was held prior to this meeting, at which there were 0 residents in attendance. The Board discussed the Budget as presented. Niemuth/Moede to approve the 2025 Budget with one change: $10,000 is put into the Recreation account to start a Mill Pond restoration fund, with that amount coming out of the General Government account. Carried by a 3-0 vote.
Conditional Use Permits: Permit applications for; Jeffrey Thiel- replace a mobile home with an Amish built shed for hunting shack- Planning Commission recommended approval. Beyer/Niemuth to approve the CUP for Jeffrey Thiel. Carried 3-0. A CUP application for a Park type home, applicant Kent and Michael Gehrke, approval recommended by the Planning Commission. Moede/Beyer to approve the CUP for Kent/Michael Gehrke. Carried 3-0.
Land Use Permits: There were three permits- 2 for cell towers and one for additions to an existing shed
Fire/Ambulance report: Both departments report things are going well, with membership increasing for both. Both fundraisers did well. Fire department is using funds raised to purchase a water rescue boat Next meeting is November 19, 2024 at 6 pm. This meeting is open to the public.
Building Use: Generator shows a code and yellow light. Beyer will call tomorrow to get rectified. Rentals for the Holiday season are starting to fill up- don’t delay if you’d like to get your event date secured!
Roads: Beyer stated he has sent all projects from the Road Inspection to the County Highway Department, and they are in progress. Trees that needed to be cut have been taken care of. Murray Road will be graded before more rains arrive.
Correspondence was reviewed.
Bills and checks were presented for payment. Checks numbering 4240-4259 were presented for payables. Moede/Niemuth to approve payment of bills with checks 4240-4259. Carried 3-0.
Niemuth/Beyer to adjourn. Meeting was adjourned at 7:25 pm.
These minutes are subject to Board approval. Respectfully submitted, Jackie Beyer, Clerk
Tuesday, November 12, 2024
Meeting Minutes
The Town Board Chairman called the Special Elector Meeting to Order at 5:40 pm, after the Public Hearing on the 2025 Budget was adjourned.
Board members present were: Moede, Beyer, Niemuth, Wilz and Beyer. There were no other Electors present. Number of Voting Electors present: 5
The Chairman called the question: Shall the Electors approve the 2024 Levy, payable 2025, as per State Statute, in the amount of $262,386? Motion by Wilz, seconded by J. Beyer to approve the Levy as noticed. Carried 5-0.
There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 5:41 pm.
Respectfully Submitted,
Jackie Beyer, Clerk
Notice of Meeting
Public Hearing – 2025 Budget
Tuesday, November 12, 2024
5:30 PM
Little Wolf Town Hall
Call Public Hearing to Order
Take Comment on the 2025 Budget
NOVEMBER 12, 2024
Immediately following Public Hearing
Call to Order
Chairman calls the Question: Shall the Electorate approve the Levy for 2024, payable 2025, in the amount of $262,386 as allowed by law.
Motion and second to approve the Levy
Tuesday, November 12, 2024
Little Wolf Town Hall
E6325 County Rd N, Manawa
6:00 PM or Immediately following Special Elector Meeting
Pledge of Allegiance
Roll Call of Officials – Moede, Beyer, Niemuth, Wilz, Beyer
Approval of Agenda-
Clerk’s Report – Approval of October 8, 2024 Minutes
Treasurer’s Report- Approval
Constable’s Report – Approval
Public Input –
• Discuss and Approve Assessor Contract- 2025
• Approve 2025 Budget
• Act on Conditional Use Permits for: Gehrke and Thiel
• Land Use Permits/UDC Permits
• Fire/Ambulance Report
• Building Use and Maintenance:
• Generator check & fire extinguishers
• Road Report/Maintenance Work
• Summary of Fall Road Inspection
• Budget Amendments, if necessary
Payment of Bills –
Affidavit of Posting: this notice was posted on or before 11/7/2024
Jackie Beyer, Clerk, Town of Little Wolf
Public Test Notice
Notice of Public Test
In accordance with WI State Statutes, the
Public Test of the Electronic Voting
Equipment will be conducted on Tuesday,
October 29, 2024 at 2:00 pm at the Little
Wolf Town Hall, for the Fall General Election,
taking place on Tuesday, November 5, 2024.
Test is open to the Public, and
Handicap accessible. All interested parties are
Encouraged to attend.
Jackie Beyer, Clerk
Town of Little Wolf
Notice of Fall Road Inspection
Notice of Meeting **Amended Start Time**
The Town Board, of the Town of Little Wolf, will be holding its
Fall Road Inspection on Saturday, November 2, 2024. The
meeting will start at the Little Wolf Town Hall, at **7:00 am**, and
will End when roads have been inspected. The Board will
be traveling in one vehicle and road decisions may be made,
regarding maintenance and future projects.
Posted on Wednesday, October 30, 2024
Jackie Beyer, Clerk
Planning Commission Agenda
Notice of Planning Commission Meeting
Thursday, November 7, 2024
6:00 pm at the Little Wolf Town Hall.
The Planning Commission will hold a meeting on Thursday, November 7, 2024 at 6:00 PM at the Little Wolf Town Hall at E6325 County Hwy N, Manawa WI. The purpose of this meeting is to consider two Conditional Use Permit applications, and make recommendation regarding each, to the Town Board. This meeting is open to the Public.
The Meeting Agenda is as follows:
Call to Order
Open Meeting Statement
Confirm Quorum
Discuss CUP application for Jeff Thiel- speak to applicant
Recommendation for Thiel CUP for the Town Board
Discuss CUP application for Kent Gehrke – speak to applicant
Recommendation for the Gehrke CUP for the Town Board
Schedule next meeting, upcoming topics
2025 Budget Summary
REVENUES 10 MO Actual 2024 2025 %
2 MO EST BUDGET Budget Change
General Property Taxes 260,184 260,184 262,386 1%
State Shared Revenue 106,539 106,539 108,697.73 2%
Transportation Aids 129,236 129,236 129,236.18
State Insurance Refund 6548.88 6548.88 6548.88
Pers. Property Aids 798 798 798
License and Permit 3,500 1,000 3,000 300%
Rent 2,000 2,000 2,000
Other Revenue 4,000 *246,974 4,250.00
L.R.I.P. Money 0 51,600 0
Cash Carryover 53,511.99 40,424.50 93,614.75
TOTAL REVENUES $511,021.99 $845,304.38 $610,531.54 -27.8%
Local Government 85,000 160,000 160,000
Highways 491,725 518,417.25 200,000 -61%
Fire/ Ambulance 160,500 156,500 165,500 6%
Recreation 200 1,000 1000
Landfill 1,650.49 2,237.50 2,250 1%
Recycling 2,469.27 5,000 3,500 -30%
Comprehensive Planning 1,126.75 500 1,500 300%
Contingency Fund 7,368.49 1,649.63 76,781.54
TOTAL EXPENDITURES $750,040.00 $845,304.38 $610,531.54 -27.8%
To Consider:
*$242,724 of Other Revenue came from Reserve Fund(Money Market and ARPA funds)
We have an estimated balance of $ 325,000 in the Money Market account at Year end.
The Town does not have any debt at this time.
There are 47.27 miles of roads in the Town of Little Wolf
Population estimate is 1385
Budget Public Hearing/Spec Electors Meeting Notice
Notice to Residents of the Town of Little Wolf, Waupaca County:
The Town Board will hold the Budget Public Hearing on Tuesday, November 12, 2024 at 5:30 pm to take comments on the proposed Budget for 2025, at the Little Wolf Town Hall at E6325 County Rd N, Manawa , WI. The 2025 proposed Budget, in detail, is posted at the Manawa Area Recycling Center, Sturm Memorial Library and the Town Hall, and available by contacting the Town Clerk, by email at Also available for viewing on the Town website:
Notice to Residents of the Town of Little Wolf, Waupaca County
Notice is hereby given that a Special Electors Meeting of the Town of Little Wolf, will be held at the Little Wolf Town Hall, at E6325 County Rd N, Manawa, WI on Tuesday, November 12, 2024. This Special Meeting of the Electors will take place immediately following the Budget Public Hearing, which starts at 5:30pm. The purpose of this meeting is to approve the levy for the 2024 property taxes, payable 2025.
The Town of Little Wolf, Regular Monthly Town Board Meeting will be held immediately following the Special Town Meeting of the Electors, or at 6:00 pm, whichever happens first.
Affidavit of Posting- These meetings were posted at the 3 posting places and on the town website on 10-24-2024.
Signed Jackie Beyer, Town Clerk
Special Meeting Agenda - 10/18/2024
The Town Board Chairman has called a Special Meeting of the Board, to take place on FRIDAY, OCTOBER 18, 2024 at 3:05 PM, or immediately upon adjourning the Board of Review, at the Little Wolf Town Hall. This meeting is Open to the Public. The Agenda is as follows:
Call to Order with Open Meeting Statement: this meeting is Open to the Public and the press has been notified, so the citizens may be made aware of the time and place and purpose of the meeting.
Roll Call
Discussion/Action on :
• Approve the Newsletter
• Discuss revision to Dog Ordinance
• Discuss Speed Limit posting laws- possible action
• Approve checks for Election expenses on Nov. 5, and Ferg bill for tree trimming completed (if itemized bill has been received)
Affidavit of Posting: this agenda/notice was posted on or before Wednesday, October 16, 2024 Signed, Jackie Beyer, Clerk
October 8, 2024 Meeting Minutes
Town of Little Wolf
Meeting Proceedings
Tuesday, October 8, 2024
Little Wolf Town Hall
Chairman Moede called the regular monthly meeting to Order at 7:00 pm. Roll call showed Moede, R. Beyer, Niemuth, Wilz and Beyer present.
Beyer /Niemuth to approve the Agenda. Motion Carried 3-0.
Niemuth /Beyer to approve the September 10, 2024 Minutes. Motion Carried 3-0.
Treasurer’s Report: Wilz gave the fund balances. Total cash on hand, as of 10/6/2024, was $ 565,521.03. Total interest earned this year to date is $18,213.81. The Clerk and the Treasurer reconciled to the bank statement. Wilz had some work done on her laptop, and it is running well. Moede/Niemuth to approve the Treasurers report. Carried 3-0.
Visitor: Helen Emslander was present to request culverts be placed on DR Drive, sharing photos taken after the heavy rain on July 5, 2024. She suggested the Town see if there is a way to see if the farm field could do some berm work or something. The Chairman stated they would look at it during the Fall Road Inspection. Emslander also asked the Board to consider placing solar panels on the Town Hall, or at least get ideas or an assessment on the feasibility.
Multiple dog licenses: the issue of a local dog owner having multiples in inhumane conditions was discussed. The Clerk did provide a draft of an addition to the current ordinance for the Board to review. After the Town Attorney gives the approval, the Town Board will hold a Public Hearing on November 12, 2024, at 5:45pm, prior to the Town Board meeting, and adoption will be a November Board Meeting Agenda item.
Posting Places: the need for a third physical posting place for town notices was discussed. The usual posting places will be the Town website and the town hall and the Manawa Recycling Center on Industrial Ave. For any times when the third place is required by law, the Library in Manawa has agreed to allow the Town to post notices there. Beyer/Niemuth to approve the addition of the Sturm Memorial Library to the physical posting places. Carried 3-0.
Land Use Permits: There was on permit received for Agricultural Accessory sheds.
UDC Permits and payments received: 2, with report from the Inspector. Payment was received from the owners/contractor.
Fire/Ambulance report: Both departments report things are going well, with membership increasing for both. Both fundraisers did well. Next meeting will see the Budget discussion. Next meeting is October 15, 2024 at 6 pm. This meeting is open to the public.
Budget Public Hearing on Tuesday, November 12, at 5:30 with Special Elector Meeting to approve the Levy immediately following. The regular Town Board meeting will immediately follow, or at 6pm, whichever occurs first. The tax bills we all will be receiving in December will have a new look this year. As soon as the example is released, we will put on the website, with explanation/help guide to assist in understanding the new format. As of this meeting, the County Treasurer has not shared the newly formatted bill. The in person tax collection times and dog tag information was always displayed on the old style bill, we are told those items were not going to be on the new bill. This information will be posted and on our website when available.
Building Use: all in good working order.
Roads: Beyer stated he patched some potholes. Murray Road needs grading and some gravel added; this will be done when we get some rain, as it does a better job of compacting when it’s wet. Fall Road Inspection will be done on Saturday, November 2, 2024 starting at 7:30 am. This will be a regular meeting, and decisions will be made regarding winter road maintenance. The bill from American Asphalt was received, and came in approximately $8,800 over the bid price. The Board will be working with AA to get this resolved and pay our bill. You’ll remember this was a LRIP grant project, with the RFQ and bid process followed. (Clerk’s note: I spoke with Dustin at American Asphalt on Thursday morning, they adjusted the invoice, with the new total payment is $275,358.37, coming in $7,365.90 under the bid price. Check will be issued and mailed, as it was previously approved at Sept meeting)
Budget Resolution BA24-03 states: BE IT RESOLVED by the TOWN BOARD of the Town of Little Wolf as follows: That the sum of $5,000 is transferred to the Fire and Ambulance Account. Moede/Niemuth to approve; carried 3-0.
Board of Review reminder: Friday, October 18, 2024 from 1:00 pm till 3:00 pm or done, at the Little Wolf Town Hall. Please call the Clerk to be on the schedule to contest your assessment.
Correspondence was reviewed.
Bills and checks were presented for payment. Checks numbering 4215-4231 were presented for payables. Moede/ Beyer to approve payment of bills with checks 4215-4231. Carried 3-0.
Beyer/ Niemuth to adjourn. Meeting was adjourned at 9:10 pm. These minutes are subject to Board approval.
Respectfully submitted, Jackie Beyer, Clerk
I’m a paragraph. Drag me to add paragraph to your block, write your own text and edit me.
Agenda for October 8th Meeting
Thursday, October 8, 2024
Little Wolf Town Hall
E6325 County Rd N, Manawa
7:00 PM
Pledge of Allegiance
Roll Call of Officials – Moede, Beyer, Niemuth, Wilz, Beyer
Approval of Agenda-
Clerk’s Report – Approval of September 10, 2024 Minutes
Treasurer’s Report- Approval
Constable’s Report – Approval
Public Input – Helen Emslander re: culvert on DR Drive and solar
Power on Town Hall
• Review Draft Ordinance regarding Multiple Dog Licenses
• Approve Sturm Memorial Library as 3rd physical posting place
• Land Use Permits/UDC Permits
• Certified Survey Maps (if necessary)
• Fire/Ambulance Report
• Budget 2025: Preliminary Budget
• Schedule Budget Public Hearing/Elector Mtg re: Levy
• Discuss new Tax Bill Format- approve insert in tax bills/content
• Building Use and Maintenance:
• Generator check & fire extinguishers
• Road Report/Maintenance Work
• Schedule Fall Road Inspection
• Budget Amendments, if necessary
• Reminders:
Board of Review: Friday, October 18, 2024, from 1 PM till 3 PM
Payment of Bills –
Affidavit of Posting: this notice was posted on or before 10/4/2024, signed Jackie Beyer
I’m a paragraph. Drag me to add paragraph to your block, write your own text and edit me.
I’m a paragraph. Drag me to add paragraph to your block, write your own text and edit me.
Minutes from September 10, 2024 Meeting Town of Little Wolf
Meeting Proceedings
Tuesday, September 10, 2024
Little Wolf Town Hall
Chairman Moede called the regular monthly meeting to Order at 7:00 pm. Roll call showed Moede, R. Beyer, Niemuth, Wilz and Beyer present.
Niemuth/ Beyer to approve the Agenda. Motion Carried 3-0. Beyer/Niemuth to approve the August 8, 2024 Minutes. Motion Carried 3-0. Treasurer’s Report: Wilz gave the fund balances. Total cash on hand, as of 9/1/2024, was $ 623,707.25. Total interest earned this year to date is $16,408.25. The Clerk and the Treasurer reconciled to the bank statement. Moede/Niemuth to approve the Treasurers report. Carried 3-0.
Temporary Beer License for the Waupaca County Republican Party was applied for, date of their event on September 21, 2024 at the Manawa Rodeo Grounds. Moede/Niemuth to approve License T-24-05 for sale of Beer or malt beverages on September 21, 2024. Carried 3-0.
Roads and Update on Post July 5th rain/flood: Beyer spoke about the Butternut Road project and its completion. Shouldering is all that is left to do. Town can expect the bill the week of September 16, if the shouldering goes as planned. The roads that were affected by the heavy rains/flooding on July 5th have all been repaired, save for some paver patches over the replaced culverts, to be finished soon. The Clerk reported having filed the Disaster Assistance funding requests by the due date. Some of the invoices are not in yet, so they were filed as ‘Work to be completed’. When they come in, Beyer will file those as well. The DOT assistance for the Beech Street repairs was filed as well by the September 5th deadline. The culvert that was replaced on Beech was ‘in kind’ or the same size, so only 75% reimbursement, not 100 %, from the DOT. The culvert could not be replaced with a larger size because it had to match up to the culvert under the adjacent walking trail. The dam restoration was discussed. Niemuth sat in on a zoom meeting at the City, and reports the City’s intention is to restore the dam in some fashion. The required permits through the DNR are overwhelming. The opportunity to restore private land/shoreline was discussed, the question asked if the DNR will make permitting easier due to the circumstances. No answer was really provided. The Town would like to hold off on appointing a committee, and first start the relationship of collaboration with the City. After that is established, the next step would be to have a committee to work on the project.
Land Use Permits: There were 7 permits received- for accessory structures- addition to shed, Accessory structure – pool; accessory structure- shed; addition to a shed; and modification to sheds; lean to on a shed; Accessory structure w/ porch and ramp. There were 3 UDC permits received with payments.
Multiple dog licenses: the issue of a local dog owner having multiples in inhumane conditions was discussed. The Clerk will work on ordinance language, and have it approved by the Town Attorney. Adoption is slated for October if possible, November for sure. Public Hearing will be prior to the appropriate Town Board meeting for approval.
Fire/Ambulance report: Next meeting is September 17, 2024 at 6 pm. This meeting is open to the public.
Budget Resolution BA24-02 states: BE IT RESOLVED by the TOWN BOARD of the Town of Little Wolf as follows: That the sum of $242,724.00 from the Reserved Funds, Money Market account, to the Roads account. Moede/Beyer to approve; carried 3-0.
Building Use: all in good working order. Septic will be pumped on September 24th. The musty smell in the Town Hall was discussed, as well as solutions. The Clerk will order/purchase the discussed products, and it will be reviewed next meeting.
Roads: Ditch mowing is completed, and the County did a great job! Moede stated there are a number of residents planting in the right of way; letters need to be sent. Beyer stated that the Fall Road Inspection would be a good opportunity to note the addresses and send letters after that. Board agreed. Signage and 45 mph Speed limit discussed for newly paved Butternut Rd. Striping of the road was also discussed and approved; all items are for public safety.
Correspondence was reviewed. Bills and checks were presented for payment. Checks numbering 4193-4211 (with 4203-4205 voided due to printer issue) were presented for payables. Moede/Beyer to approve payment of bills with checks 4193-4211. Carried 3-0. Niemuth/Beyer to adjourn. Meeting was adjourned at 8:23 pm. These minutes are subject to Board approval. October meeting will be on Tuesday, October 8, 2024, at 7:00 PM.
Respectfully submitted, Jackie Beyer, Clerk
Agenda for Town Board on Sept 10th
TOWN OF LITTLE WOLFMEETING AGENDA Thursday, September 10, 2024Little Wolf Town HallE6325 County Rd N, Manawa7:00 PM
Open Meeting – THIS MEETING IS OPEN TO THE PUBLIC. IT HAS BEEN POSTED AND THE PRESS HAS BEEN NOTIFIED.Pledge of Allegiance Roll Call of Officials – Moede, Beyer, Niemuth, Wilz, BeyerApproval of Agenda-Clerk’s Report – Approval of August 8, 2024 MinutesTreasurer’s Report- Approval Constable’s Report – ApprovalPublic Input – Business- * Approve Temp Beer License for WC Republican Party• Update on the July 5 flooding, road repairs and disaster funds• Discuss/appoint committee to work on Dam repairs• Discuss/act on an Ordinance regarding Multiple Dog Licenses• Land Use Permits/UDC Permits• Certified Survey Maps (if necessary)• Building Use and Maintenance:• Generator check & fire extinguishers• Road Report/Maintenance Work• Update on Butternut Road project• Budget Amendments, if necessary • Reminders: Board of Review schedule/datesOpen Book on Thursday, October 3, 2024 from 10 am till NoonBoard of Review: Friday, October 18, 2024, from 1 PM till 3 PM
CorrespondencePayment of Bills – Adjournment Affidavit of Posting: this notice was posted on or before 9/5/2024Jackie Beyer, Clerk, Town of Little Wolf
Open Meeting – THIS MEETING IS OPEN TO THE PUBLIC. IT HAS BEEN POSTED AND THE PRESS HAS BEEN NOTIFIED.Pledge of Allegiance Roll Call of Officials – Moede, Beyer, Niemuth, Wilz, BeyerApproval of Agenda-Clerk’s Report – Approval of August 8, 2024 MinutesTreasurer’s Report- Approval Constable’s Report – ApprovalPublic Input – Business- * Approve Temp Beer License for WC Republican Party• Update on the July 5 flooding, road repairs and disaster funds• Discuss/appoint committee to work on Dam repairs• Discuss/act on an Ordinance regarding Multiple Dog Licenses• Land Use Permits/UDC Permits• Certified Survey Maps (if necessary)• Building Use and Maintenance:• Generator check & fire extinguishers• Road Report/Maintenance Work• Update on Butternut Road project• Budget Amendments, if necessary • Reminders: Board of Review schedule/datesOpen Book on Thursday, October 3, 2024 from 10 am till NoonBoard of Review: Friday, October 18, 2024, from 1 PM till 3 PM
CorrespondencePayment of Bills – Adjournment Affidavit of Posting: this notice was posted on or before 9/5/2024Jackie Beyer, Clerk, Town of Little Wolf
Town Board Minutes from 8-8-24
Town of Little WolfMeeting ProceedingsThursday, August 8, 2024Little Wolf Town Hall
Chairman Moede called the regular monthly meeting to Order at 5:45 pm. Roll call showed Moede, R. Beyer, Niemuth, Wilz and Beyer present. Beyer/Niemuth to approve the Agenda. Motion Carried 3-0. Moede/Niemuth to approve the July 11, 2024 Minutes. Motion Carried 3-0. Treasurer’s Report: Wilz gave the fund balances. Total cash on hand, as of 8/1/2024, was $ 587,675.00. The Clerk and the Treasurer reconciled to the bank statement. Beyer/Niemuth to approve the Treasurers report. Carried 3-0. Business: Discussion regarding Ordinance FP-24. Moede/Niemuth to adopt Ordinance FP-24 as presented, noting that changes by landowner request, to the Farmland Preservation map, may still be made until the County Board adopts in September. Carried 3-0. Election Officials- Calleigh Beyer and Mary Riesenberg have expressed interest in being Election Officials. Niemuth/Moede to approve the 2 new Election Officials. Carried 3-0. Roads andUpdate on Post July 5th rain/flood: Beyer spoke about the Butternut Road schedule is to start on August 20th, when they will pulverize/reclaim the road. Other road issues from the washouts; culvert and ditching work is done for the most part. Left to complete are the paving and patching on these repairs. DOT is going to reimburse 70% of the repair to Beech Street. Land and Water Dept was asked by Beyer to take samples of the river to make sure the river is getting cleaner than it was right after July 5th, and to identify the contaminates in the river system. The Board discussed the impact to the Town’s landowners, with the river being reduced to a stream compared to prior July 5th. Tax payers have expressed concerns regarding loss of property values; this concerns the Board as well, as it translates to potential less total value and higher tax per 1K of value. The board would like to see the levy restored as soon as possible, preferably months rather than years. They also discussed a possible collaboration with the City, if the City is so inclined, to restore this valuable resource that greatly affects the residents around the Mill Pond. The Board discussed a possible town hall meeting to gauge resident interest in Little Wolf pursuing a part in the restoration of the levy, and to give the residents an opportunity to voice their concerns and their vision for the future of the Mill Pond. If a meeting is scheduled, it will be noticed on the website, and posted around the area for maximum exposure. CSM for Terry and Julie Lind, for their land division Niemuth/Beyer to approve the Lind CSM. Carried 3-0. Land Use Permits: There were 5 permits received- for accessory structures, addition to dwelling, addition to shed, structure prior to principal structure, and dwelling addition and modification to dwelling. Fire/Ambulance report: Next meeting is August 20, 2024 at 6 pm. This meeting is open to the public. Budget Resolution BA24-01 states: BE IT RESOLVED by the TOWN BOARD of the Town of Little Wolf as follows: That the sum of $1,000.00 from the Gen Gov’t account, to the Planning Commission account. Moede/Niemuth to approve; carried 3-0. Building Use: all in good working order. Correspondence was reviewed. Bills and checks were presented for payment. Checks numbering 4176-4192 were presented for payables. Moede/Beyer to approve payment of bills with checks 4176-4192. Carried 3-0. Niemuth/Beyer to adjourn. Meeting was adjourned at 7:23 pm. These minutes are subject to Board approval.Respectfully submitted, Jackie Beyer, Clerk
Chairman Moede called the regular monthly meeting to Order at 5:45 pm. Roll call showed Moede, R. Beyer, Niemuth, Wilz and Beyer present. Beyer/Niemuth to approve the Agenda. Motion Carried 3-0. Moede/Niemuth to approve the July 11, 2024 Minutes. Motion Carried 3-0. Treasurer’s Report: Wilz gave the fund balances. Total cash on hand, as of 8/1/2024, was $ 587,675.00. The Clerk and the Treasurer reconciled to the bank statement. Beyer/Niemuth to approve the Treasurers report. Carried 3-0. Business: Discussion regarding Ordinance FP-24. Moede/Niemuth to adopt Ordinance FP-24 as presented, noting that changes by landowner request, to the Farmland Preservation map, may still be made until the County Board adopts in September. Carried 3-0. Election Officials- Calleigh Beyer and Mary Riesenberg have expressed interest in being Election Officials. Niemuth/Moede to approve the 2 new Election Officials. Carried 3-0. Roads andUpdate on Post July 5th rain/flood: Beyer spoke about the Butternut Road schedule is to start on August 20th, when they will pulverize/reclaim the road. Other road issues from the washouts; culvert and ditching work is done for the most part. Left to complete are the paving and patching on these repairs. DOT is going to reimburse 70% of the repair to Beech Street. Land and Water Dept was asked by Beyer to take samples of the river to make sure the river is getting cleaner than it was right after July 5th, and to identify the contaminates in the river system. The Board discussed the impact to the Town’s landowners, with the river being reduced to a stream compared to prior July 5th. Tax payers have expressed concerns regarding loss of property values; this concerns the Board as well, as it translates to potential less total value and higher tax per 1K of value. The board would like to see the levy restored as soon as possible, preferably months rather than years. They also discussed a possible collaboration with the City, if the City is so inclined, to restore this valuable resource that greatly affects the residents around the Mill Pond. The Board discussed a possible town hall meeting to gauge resident interest in Little Wolf pursuing a part in the restoration of the levy, and to give the residents an opportunity to voice their concerns and their vision for the future of the Mill Pond. If a meeting is scheduled, it will be noticed on the website, and posted around the area for maximum exposure. CSM for Terry and Julie Lind, for their land division Niemuth/Beyer to approve the Lind CSM. Carried 3-0. Land Use Permits: There were 5 permits received- for accessory structures, addition to dwelling, addition to shed, structure prior to principal structure, and dwelling addition and modification to dwelling. Fire/Ambulance report: Next meeting is August 20, 2024 at 6 pm. This meeting is open to the public. Budget Resolution BA24-01 states: BE IT RESOLVED by the TOWN BOARD of the Town of Little Wolf as follows: That the sum of $1,000.00 from the Gen Gov’t account, to the Planning Commission account. Moede/Niemuth to approve; carried 3-0. Building Use: all in good working order. Correspondence was reviewed. Bills and checks were presented for payment. Checks numbering 4176-4192 were presented for payables. Moede/Beyer to approve payment of bills with checks 4176-4192. Carried 3-0. Niemuth/Beyer to adjourn. Meeting was adjourned at 7:23 pm. These minutes are subject to Board approval.Respectfully submitted, Jackie Beyer, Clerk
Town Board Agenda for Aug 8, 2024
TOWN OF LITTLE WOLFMEETING AGENDA Thursday, August 8, 2024Little Wolf Town HallE6325 County Rd N, ManawaImmediately following Public Hearing at 6:00 PM
Open Meeting – THIS MEETING IS OPEN TO THE PUBLIC. IT HAS BEEN POSTED AND THE PRESS HAS BEEN NOTIFIED.Pledge of AllegianceRoll Call of Officials – Moede, Beyer, Niemuth, Wilz, BeyerApproval of Agenda-Clerk’s Report – Approval of July 11, 2024 MinutesTreasurer’s Report- Approval Constable’s Report – ApprovalPublic Input – Business-• Approve Ordinance to Amend the Comprehensive Plan• Approve Election Officials, Calleigh Beyer & Mary Riesenberg • Update on the July 5 flooding and disaster funds• Discuss/act on a referendum for the November ballot• Building Use and Maintenance: • Generator check & fire extinguishers• Road Report/Maintenance Work • Update on Butternut Road project • Update on Post-Flooding repairs• Budget Amendments, if necessary• Reminders: Election Tuesday, August 13, 2024 Town’s Association on Thursday, August 15, 2024
CorrespondencePayment of Bills – Adjournment Affidavit of Posting: this notice was posted on or before 8/3/2024Jackie Beyer, Clerk, Town of Little Wolf
Open Meeting – THIS MEETING IS OPEN TO THE PUBLIC. IT HAS BEEN POSTED AND THE PRESS HAS BEEN NOTIFIED.Pledge of AllegianceRoll Call of Officials – Moede, Beyer, Niemuth, Wilz, BeyerApproval of Agenda-Clerk’s Report – Approval of July 11, 2024 MinutesTreasurer’s Report- Approval Constable’s Report – ApprovalPublic Input – Business-• Approve Ordinance to Amend the Comprehensive Plan• Approve Election Officials, Calleigh Beyer & Mary Riesenberg • Update on the July 5 flooding and disaster funds• Discuss/act on a referendum for the November ballot• Building Use and Maintenance: • Generator check & fire extinguishers• Road Report/Maintenance Work • Update on Butternut Road project • Update on Post-Flooding repairs• Budget Amendments, if necessary• Reminders: Election Tuesday, August 13, 2024 Town’s Association on Thursday, August 15, 2024
CorrespondencePayment of Bills – Adjournment Affidavit of Posting: this notice was posted on or before 8/3/2024Jackie Beyer, Clerk, Town of Little Wolf
Notice of Public Hearing
NOTICE TO RESIDENTS OFTHE TOWN OF LITTLE WOLFPublic HearingThursday, August 8, 2024Little Wolf Town Hall6:00 PMThere will be a Public Hearing at the Little Wolf Town Hall on Thursday, August 8, 2024 at 6:00 PM. This Public Hearing is to take comment regarding an Ordinance to amend the Comprehensive Plan, as it pertains to Farmland Preservation. This amendment will reflect the changes to landowner’s participation in the Farmland Preservation designation on their parcels. The Ordinance will be considered and acted on at the regular monthly Town Board meeting, to be held on Thursday, August 8, immediately following the close of the Public Hearing, or at 7:00 PM, whichever comes first. A copy of the proposed Ordinance is available for viewing by contacting the Clerk at 920-596-2143, or by going to the Town’s website: residents are encouraged to attend.Jackie Beyer, ClerkAffidavit of Posting: this notice was published on June 27, 2024, and posted on or before June 27, 2024.Signed: Jackie Beyer, Clerk
Minutes from July 11, 2024
Meeting ProceedingsThursday, July 11, 2024Little Wolf Town HallChairman Moede called the regular monthly meeting to Order at 6:50 pm. Roll call showed Moede, R. Beyer, Niemuth, Wilz and Beyer present. Beyer/Niemuth to approve the Agenda. Motion Carried 3-0. Moede/Niemuth to approve the June 13, 2024 Minutes. Motion Carried 3-0. Treasurer’s Report: Wilz gave the fund balances. Total cash on hand, as of 7/5/2024, was $ 569,443.69. The Clerk and the Treasurer reconciled to the bank statement. Moede/Niemuth to approve the Treasurers report. Carried 3-0. Constable: no reportBusiness: Land Use Permits: There were 2 permits received- both for accessory structures. UDC Permits: One for a home
Fire Numbers: 1 new Fire number ordered.
Fire/Ambulance report: Fire Dept reports one new member from the Cadet program has been approved. Tickets for the UTV are to be sold at the Car Show. Classes for Firefighter 1 and 2 will be held at Manawa this fall. 73 calls year to date. New billing rates were approved at the June meeting. Ambulance reports 34 calls for year to date. 2 new applicants for the Ambulance Department. Next meeting is July 16, 2024 at 6 pm. This meeting is open to the public.
Discussion/explanation regarding Ordinance 25—07-FD took place. It gives the new billing service authority to bill. Moede/Niemuth to adopt the Ordinance, and the new rates for the services rendered. The Fire Commission will have authority to change the rates as deemed necessary. Carried 3-0.Building Use: all in good working order.
Roads: Due to the heavy rains and road washouts in the county, the road projects planned will likely be delayed. The roads in the town that will need work, because of the heavy rains, will be: Beech St, Nicolai Rd, Swan Rd, Garrity Rd, Mouse Creek Rd, Pond St, and Mable Lane, all of which involve culvert replacement. Other roads have shouldering and gravel replacement needing to be repaired. All of these repairs will be submitted to the WDA and/or DDA disaster assistance programs for reimbursement, because the County did not meet the 12 million dollar minimum damage to receive FEMA assistance. The WDA and DDA assistance are for town roads only; no personal property will be receiving assistance. Motion from Niemuth/Beyer to make the repairs from the storm damage as needed, and submit to the disaster assistance to capture reimbursement. Carried 3-0. American Asphalt told Sup. Beyer they will be doing the Butternut Road project starting on July 31, 2024. Affected residents will be given a letter with the start date and any details they need to know prior to the start.
‘No Wake’ on the river within the Town was discussed. Clerk did contact DNR, who sent a sample ordinance to limit wake, and offered assistance with adoption and language of the Ordinance. The Board agreed we need to ensure enforcement from the Sheriff’s Department and DNR, or the ordinance is not worth adoption. Constable duties do allow for writing tickets, so that will be further explored when a draft ordinance is presented. Correspondence was reviewed. Bills and checks were presented for payment. Checks numbering 4157-4175 were presented for payables. Beyer/Niemuth to approve payment of bills with checks 4157-4175. Carried 3-0.
Niemuth/Beyer to adjourn. Meeting was adjourned at 8:09 pm.
These minutes are subject to Board approval.Respectfully submitted, Jackie Beyer, Clerk
Town Board Agenda 7-11-24
TOWN OF LITTLE WOLFMEETING AGENDA Thursday, July 11, 2024Little Wolf Town HallE6325 County Rd N, ManawaImmediately following Public Hearing at 6:45 PM
Open Meeting – THIS MEETING IS OPEN TO THE PUBLIC. IT HAS BEEN POSTED AND THE PRESS HAS BEEN NOTIFIED.Pledge of AllegianceRoll Call of Officials – Moede, Beyer, Niemuth, Wilz, BeyerApproval of Agenda-Clerk’s Report – Approval of June 13, 2024 MinutesTreasurer’s Report- Approval Constable’s Report – ApprovalPublic Input – Business:• Update on Disaster Response and Resources• CSM- • Land Use Permits• Permits Issued – Buildings and Driveways• UDC Inspection Reports-• Fire Numbers- • Fire and Ambulance Report- next mtg July 16, 2024 at 6pm Adopt Ordinance • Ordinances- • Building Use and Maintenance: • Generator check & fire extinguishers• Road Report/Maintenance Work • Report on Post-Disaster Assessment • Road repairs /Prioritize same • Status report on ‘No Wake’ on Little Wolf River in Town
CorrespondencePayment of Bills – Adjournment Affidavit of Posting: this notice was posted on or before 7/8/2024Jackie Beyer, Clerk, Town of Little Wolf
Open Meeting – THIS MEETING IS OPEN TO THE PUBLIC. IT HAS BEEN POSTED AND THE PRESS HAS BEEN NOTIFIED.Pledge of AllegianceRoll Call of Officials – Moede, Beyer, Niemuth, Wilz, BeyerApproval of Agenda-Clerk’s Report – Approval of June 13, 2024 MinutesTreasurer’s Report- Approval Constable’s Report – ApprovalPublic Input – Business:• Update on Disaster Response and Resources• CSM- • Land Use Permits• Permits Issued – Buildings and Driveways• UDC Inspection Reports-• Fire Numbers- • Fire and Ambulance Report- next mtg July 16, 2024 at 6pm Adopt Ordinance • Ordinances- • Building Use and Maintenance: • Generator check & fire extinguishers• Road Report/Maintenance Work • Report on Post-Disaster Assessment • Road repairs /Prioritize same • Status report on ‘No Wake’ on Little Wolf River in Town
CorrespondencePayment of Bills – Adjournment Affidavit of Posting: this notice was posted on or before 7/8/2024Jackie Beyer, Clerk, Town of Little Wolf
NOTICE TO RESIDENTS OFTHE TOWN OF LITTLE WOLFPublic HearingThursday, July 11, 2024Little Wolf Town Hall6:45 PM
There will be a Public Hearing at the Little Wolf Town Hall on Thursday, July 11, 2024 at 6:45 PM. This Public Hearing is to take comment regarding an Ordinance to allow the billing for Services provided by the Fire Department. This is necessary due to the former Billing Company, LifeQuest, being bought, and the new company requires this Ordinance. A copy of the proposed Ordinance is available for viewing by contacting the Clerk at 920-596-2143, or by going to the Town’s website: residents are encouraged to attend.Jackie Beyer, Clerk
Planning Commission Agenda July 11, 2024
Notice of Planning Commission MeetingWednesday, July 10, 2024 6:00 pm at the Little Wolf Town Hall.
The Planning Commission will hold a meeting on Wednesday, July 10, 2024 at 6:00 PM at the Little Wolf Town Hall at E6325 County Hwy N, Manawa WI. The purpose of this meeting is to discuss the Farmland Preservation portion of the towns Comprehensive Plan. This meeting is open to the Public.
The Meeting Agenda is as follows:Call to OrderOpen Meeting StatementConfirm QuorumDiscuss changes to the participating parcels for Farmland PreservationRecommendation to the Town Board regarding Ordinance adoptionSchedule next meeting, upcoming topicsAdjourn
The Meeting Agenda is as follows:Call to OrderOpen Meeting StatementConfirm QuorumDiscuss changes to the participating parcels for Farmland PreservationRecommendation to the Town Board regarding Ordinance adoptionSchedule next meeting, upcoming topicsAdjourn
Farmland Preservation Meeting Info:
Minutes of Joint Board/PC MeetingTOWN OF LITTLE WOLFThursday, June 13, 2024LITTLE WOLF TOWN HALL
The Town Board Chairman called the Special Meeting to Order at 6:00 pm. Board members present were: Moede, Beyer, Niemuth, Wilz and J. Beyer. Planning Commission members present were: M. Hurda, T. Arndt, K. Groholski, and Beyer, Beyer and Wilz. Residents present were: Tony Hass, Kevin Hass, Vicki Bartelt and Tory Suehs. Ryan Brown and Brian Haase, from Waupaca County Zoning and WC Land and Water, respectively were also present.
Discussion regarding review of the Towns Farmland Preservation took place. The rates of tax credits, the required duties of the landowner to qualify and the ability to get your land into, or out of, Farmland Preservation was outlined and questions answered by Haase and Brown. The process of doing the Amendment to the Comprehensive Plan was reviewed. A public participation facet will be achieved by sending a letter to those land owners that are in ownership of any parcels over 5 acres. Letter will explain how to get into or leave the preservation designation. The Planning Commission will hold a meeting on XXXX to allow the landowners to come in and ask questions to help them decide their preference. After that, the town board will hold a public hearing to take comment on the Ordinance change. After that is complete, the approval of the Ordinance update will take place at the regular August Town Board meeting. Visitors asked questions and left with their information in hand.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 6:55 pm.These Minutes are subject to Board Approval.Respectfully Submitted,Jackie Beyer, Clerk
Farmland Preservation Facts from Waupaca County
See below: This handout was shared at the Special Meeting. It can also be found on the Waupca County website, under Planning and Zoning Department. Any questions regarding qualifications for the Tax Credits can be directed to the Town Clerk, or Brian Haase at 715-258-6245 during regular business hours.
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To Open, select 'open in Google'
Town Board Meeting Minutes
Town of Little WolfMeeting ProceedingsThursday, June 13, 2024Little Wolf Town Hall
Chairman Moede called the regular monthly meeting to Order at 7:00pm. Roll call showed Moede, R. Beyer, Niemuth, Wilz and Beyer present. There were two visitors present for public comment.
Beyer/ Niemuth to approve the Agenda. Motion Carried 3-0.
Moede/Niemuth to approve the May 9, 2024 Minutes. Motion Carried 3-0.
Wilz gave the fund balances. Total cash on hand, as of 6/8/2024, was $ 584,502.65. The Clerk and the Treasurer reconciled to the bank statement. Clerk and Treasurer also updated their Quickbooks program. Beyer/Niemuth to approve the Treasurers report. Carried 3-0.
Constable: Moede had a call regarding a litter of abandoned cats. The County Sheriff’s called Moede about a downed tree. Moede referred them to the County Highway Dept, as it was on a County Road. Moede also received a call on a stray dog. The owners claimed it before Moede arrived. Niemuth/Beyer to approve the constable’s report. Carried 3-0.
Business:Liquor License Approvals: The License applications for Cedar Springs Golf Course and Mid-Western Rodeo were discussed. The Operator Licenses applications were received and paid for from: Grace Heimbruch, Tammy Prill, Rae Lynn Mielke and Jolie Jaeger for Cedar Springs; Jim Quinn, Florian Gerl, Rachel Holzschuh, Bridget Conroy-Bailey and Joe Bailey for the Rodeo; Jackie Beyer, undeclared. Motion by Beyer/Niemuth to approve Licenses per the list as presented. Carried 3-0.
Land Use Permits: There were 2 permits received- both for accessory structures. 2 new driveway permits issued; one on Pine Crest and one on Mountain Lake Rd.UDC Permits: One for a home, completed. One for a shed.
Fire Numbers: 2 new Fire numbers ordered and received.
Fire/Ambulance report: Fire Dept reports 2 new members; roster has 30 members now. UTV raffle is going well. Pancake Breakfast went well, and next year will be done in person. 60 calls as of the May meeting. Ambulance reported 39 calls so far this year. Bowling fund raiser went well, with $2000 going towards new equipment. Flex Paramedic status is now in effect for the Ambulance Service. This will allow our service to give more advanced care, when Paramedics are on shift. Next meeting of the Fire Board is on Tuesday, May 21, 2024 at 6 pm. This meeting is open to the public.
Building Use: The Beyer's finished cleaning out the file closet and hauling the ‘stuff’ in the garage to the recycling center.
Roads: Snow plowing for Pin Oak Rd and the Town Hall parking lot were discussed. One quote from Scott’s Tree Service was received, for 3 yr. contract. Moede/Niemuth to accept Scott’s Tree Moving proposal as quoted. Carried 3-0. Work order from the Cty Hwy Dept was received for the ditching by the pit on Swan Rd. Neighbors present complained that tax money is being spent on the ditching and felt it should be paid for by the pit owner. Moede said we’re going to fix it now, economically, before it causes a higher repair bill by ignoring it any longer. Beyer/Moede to approve the work order for the ditching on Swan Rd. Carried 2-0, with Niemuth abstaining. Ditch mowing: County has started mowing ditches in the town, doing one pass before the first week of July. Parsnip spraying: It will be done in the next couple of weeks, based on the weather and the growth, to eradicate the most we can on the one pass. Status of tree trimming: Ferg will get in to do the work behind the town hall before the Rodeo. Work order for White Clover Rd was discussed: budget and all the other projects in play as of right now considered, this project may need to wait till fall, because it will be left in gravel to settle out for a year.
‘No Wake’ on the river within the Town was discussed. Clerk did contact DNR, who stated they had no record of the Town having an ordinance to limit wake within town boundaries of the Little Wolf. The Clerk did not find any adopted Ordinances to reflect a directive on boat speed or wake. Board asked the Clerk to look into an Ordinance for limiting wake, and to check into enforcement of same, if an Ordinance be adopted - July meeting agenda item.
Correspondence was reviewed.
Bills and checks were presented for payment. Checks numbering 4133-4157 were presented for payables. Moede/Niemuth to approve payment of bills with checks 4133-4157. Carried 3-0.
Moede/Beyer to adjourn. Meeting was adjourned at 8:14 pm. These minutes are subject to Board approval.Respectfully submitted, Jackie Beyer, Clerk
Joint Board- Planning Commission Re: Farmland Preservation
Notice of Joint Town Board/Planning Commission MeetingThursday, June 13, 2024 6:00 pm at the Little Wolf Town Hall.
The Town Board and the Planning Commission will hold a joint meeting on Thursday, June 13, 2024 at 6:00 PM at the Little Wolf Town Hall at E6325 County Hwy N, Manawa WI. The purpose of this meeting is to get information from our guests, Brian Haase and Ryan Brown, from Waupaca County Land and Water and Zoning, respectively. The information is regarding the update of the Farmland Preservation portion of the towns Comprehensive Plan. This will be the initial meeting of this process. A time line for completion and guidelines for the process will be discussed, as well as obligations of both the Town Board and Committee members.
The Meeting Agenda is as follows:Call to OrderOpen Meeting StatementPresentation by guestsQuestions Develop timeline for the Comp Plan Amendment and Public InputShedule next meetingAdjourn
The Meeting Agenda is as follows:Call to OrderOpen Meeting StatementPresentation by guestsQuestions Develop timeline for the Comp Plan Amendment and Public InputShedule next meetingAdjourn
Town Board Agenda- June 13, 2024
TOWN OF LITTLE WOLFMEETING AGENDA Thursday, June 13, 2024Little Wolf Town HallE6325 County Rd N, ManawaImmediately following Joint Board/PC meeting
Open Meeting – THIS MEETING IS OPEN TO THE PUBLIC. IT HAS BEEN POSTED AND THE PRESS HAS BEEN NOTIFIED.Pledge of AllegianceRoll Call of Officials – Moede, Beyer, Niemuth, Wilz, BeyerApproval of Agenda-Clerk’s Report – Approval of May 9, 2024 MinutesTreasurer’s Report- Approval Constable’s Report – ApprovalPublic Input – Business: * Approve Liquor License and Bartender (Operator) Licenses• CSM- • Land Use Permits• Permits Issued – Buildings and Driveways• UDC Inspection Reports-• Fire Numbers- • Fire and Ambulance Report- next mtg June 18, 2024 at 6pm• Ordinances- • Building Use and Maintenance:• Generator check & fire extinguishers• Road Report/Maintenance Work • Snow Plowing 24/25 at town hall and Pin Oak Rd • Review options/Decision on Swan Rd ditching • Ditch mowing and Parsnip spraying • Status of tree trimming• Status report on ‘No Wake’ on Little Wolf River in Town
CorrespondencePayment of Bills – Adjournment
Open Meeting – THIS MEETING IS OPEN TO THE PUBLIC. IT HAS BEEN POSTED AND THE PRESS HAS BEEN NOTIFIED.Pledge of AllegianceRoll Call of Officials – Moede, Beyer, Niemuth, Wilz, BeyerApproval of Agenda-Clerk’s Report – Approval of May 9, 2024 MinutesTreasurer’s Report- Approval Constable’s Report – ApprovalPublic Input – Business: * Approve Liquor License and Bartender (Operator) Licenses• CSM- • Land Use Permits• Permits Issued – Buildings and Driveways• UDC Inspection Reports-• Fire Numbers- • Fire and Ambulance Report- next mtg June 18, 2024 at 6pm• Ordinances- • Building Use and Maintenance:• Generator check & fire extinguishers• Road Report/Maintenance Work • Snow Plowing 24/25 at town hall and Pin Oak Rd • Review options/Decision on Swan Rd ditching • Ditch mowing and Parsnip spraying • Status of tree trimming• Status report on ‘No Wake’ on Little Wolf River in Town
CorrespondencePayment of Bills – Adjournment
Special Meeting on Thursday, 5-16-24
NOTICE OF SPECIAL MEETINGTOWN OF LITTLE WOLFTHURSDAY, May 16, 2024 9:00 AMSwan RoadThe Town Board has called a Special Meeting, to take place on THURSDAY, May 16, 2024 9:00 AM on Swan Road, by the gravel pit. A quorum of the Board may be in attendance. Discussion/purpose of the meeting is to discuss options for ditch repair, along with County Hwy Department personnel. A plan for the ditching will be determined at this meeting, and a quote requested for the project.Adjourn Affidavit of Posting: this agenda/notice was posted on or before Wednesday, May 15, 2024. Signed, Jackie Beyer, Clerk
Notice of Informational Meeting
Notice of Informational MeetingTown of Little WolfTuesday, May 14, 20249:30 AMButternut RoadA Quorum of the Town Board will be present at an informational meeting on Butternut Road on Tuesday, May 14, 2024 at 9:30 AM.The discussion will be regarding the upcoming road project, and will be including a representative from American Asphalt.No decisions will be made at this meeting, it is just for all present to understand the scope of the project.
Town Board Minutes from May 9th
Town of Little WolfMeeting ProceedingsThursday, May 9, 2024Little Wolf Town Hall
Chairman Moede called the regular monthly meeting to Order at 7:00pm. Roll call showed Moede, R. Beyer, Niemuth, Wilz and Beyer present. There were two visitors present for public comment.
Beyer/ Niemuth to approve the Agenda. Motion Carried 3-0.
Moede/Beyer to approve the April 11, 2024 Minutes. Motion Carried 3-0.
Wilz gave the fund balances. Total cash on hand, as of 5/4/2024, was $ 604,445.32. The Clerk and the Treasurer reconciled to the bank statement. Moede/Niemuth to approve the Treasurers report. Carried 3-0. Updates for the QuickBooks programs will be done.
Constable: Moede had contact with the Sheriff’s Department about a possible dog/puppy business. Beyer/Niemuth to accept the Constable’s Report. Carried 3-0.
Public Input: Jeremy Schoenike was present to speak about his run for the Register of Deed’s office, becoming vacant with Mike Mazemke’s retirement. Duane Wilson was present to speak about his run for the State Representative race, District 57. This is one of the newly created districts, so there are no incumbents. Both candidates campaign info will be at the posting places, if anyone would like to see them.
Business:The proposed agreement with Waupaca County Highway Department regarding the detour for the Cty Rd B Bridge replacement was reviewed. Moede/Niemuth to approve the agreement and send back. Carried 3-0.The Eder/Bouressa Conditional Use Permit was cancelled, per the applicant.The Farmland Preservation portion of the Comprehensive Plan will be getting a review by the Town. The Planning Commission and the Town Board will hold a joint meeting, with Brian Haase from Land and Water, and Ryan Brown, from the Zoning Department present. This will take place on June 13, 2024 at 6:00 pm, prior to the regular Town Board meeting. This is the start of the towns’ revision process. The final Town action will be adopting the Ordinance to revise our Town Comprehensive Plan, most likely in August or September. There will be opportunity for Public Input along the way.
Land Use Permits: There were 2 permits received- one for a new home and one for accessory structures.
Fire/Ambulance report: Fire Dept reported receiving $1000 grant from Alliant Energy. They added one new member and had 2 more applications turned in. Raffle for a 4 seater- UTV was announced. Tickets on sale, drawing the end of August. 51 calls for year so far. Ambulance reported one former employee returned to the roster. May 18th is the 9-pin fundraiser at Keglers. Was asked to do stand by at track meets. 89 calls/runs so far for 2024. Next meeting of the Fire Board is on Tuesday, May 21, 2024 at 6 pm. This meeting is open to the public.
Building Use: Discussion regarding the brush behind the Town Hall, and having the work done by Midwest Tree Service. Because of a few trees to be cut on Town roads, Niemuth/Beyer to have Midwest take care of all of the projects. Carried 3-0.
Roads: Bridge Road culvert changes were approved by the DNR. Work Orders from the County were discussed, with one culvert qualifying for the 50/50 cost sharing. Total of both culverts will be $18,500, with $5,000 coming back to the Town on the cost sharing. Moede/Niemuth to approve the work orders for the Bridge Road culverts. Work will be done, potentially, in July. Beyer spoke to American Asphalt rep, and would like to meet with the Board on Butternut Rd, to discuss the upcoming project. This meeting will be posted. The subject of the ditching at the pit on Swan Rd took place. After a good amount of discussion, the Board did not come to a resolution regarding the standing water issue. Moede motioned to just have the ditching done by the County, but that did not get a second.
Correspondence was reviewed. Reminder of the Towns Association meeting on May 16th.
Bills and checks were presented for payment. Checks numbering 4120-4132 were presented for payables. Moede/Beyer to approve payment of bills with checks 4120-4132. Carried 3-0.
Moede/Beyer to adjourn. Meeting was adjourned at 8:05 pm. These minutes are subject to Board approval.Respectfully submitted, Jackie Beyer, Clerk
THIS MEETING IS CANCELLED!! Agenda for Planning Commission Meeting- May 7, 2024
Notice of Planning Commission MeetingTuesday, May 7, 2024 6:00 pm at the Little Wolf Town Hall. The item for consideration is a recommendation to the Town Board, for a Conditional Use Permit application for parcel 13-34-12-2. The parcel currently is Agriculture Retention. The applicant is proposing to place up to three recreational vehicles on the property in excess of thirty days throughout the year. The agent utilizes the property as a “Hip Camp” which is like an Airbnb for camping sites.
Town Board Agenda for 5-9-2024
TOWN OF LITTLE WOLFMEETING AGENDA Thursday, May 9, 2024Little Wolf Town HallE6325 County Rd N, Manawa7:00 PM
Open Meeting – THIS MEETING IS OPEN TO THE PUBLIC. IT HAS BEEN POSTED AND THE PRESS HAS BEEN NOTIFIED.Pledge of AllegianceRoll Call of Officials – Moede, Beyer, Niemuth, Wilz, BeyerApproval of Agenda-Clerk’s Report – Approval of April 11, 2024 MinutesTreasurer’s Report- Approval Constable’s Report – ApprovalPublic Input – Business:• Approve Detour agreement with WC Highway Dept• Review/action on CUP for Eder- campsites• CSM- • Land Use Permits• Permits Issued – Buildings and Driveways• UDC Inspection Reports-• Fire Numbers- • Fire and Ambulance Report- next mtg May 21, 2024 at 6pm• Ordinances- • Building Use and Maintenance:• Generator check & fire extinguishers• Road Report/Maintenance Work• Discuss/approve road projects
CorrespondencePayment of Bills – Adjournment Affidavit of Posting: this notice was posted on or before 5/4/2024Jackie Beyer, Clerk, Town of Little Wolf
Open Meeting – THIS MEETING IS OPEN TO THE PUBLIC. IT HAS BEEN POSTED AND THE PRESS HAS BEEN NOTIFIED.Pledge of AllegianceRoll Call of Officials – Moede, Beyer, Niemuth, Wilz, BeyerApproval of Agenda-Clerk’s Report – Approval of April 11, 2024 MinutesTreasurer’s Report- Approval Constable’s Report – ApprovalPublic Input – Business:• Approve Detour agreement with WC Highway Dept• Review/action on CUP for Eder- campsites• CSM- • Land Use Permits• Permits Issued – Buildings and Driveways• UDC Inspection Reports-• Fire Numbers- • Fire and Ambulance Report- next mtg May 21, 2024 at 6pm• Ordinances- • Building Use and Maintenance:• Generator check & fire extinguishers• Road Report/Maintenance Work• Discuss/approve road projects
CorrespondencePayment of Bills – Adjournment Affidavit of Posting: this notice was posted on or before 5/4/2024Jackie Beyer, Clerk, Town of Little Wolf
Annual Meeting Minutes
2023 ANNUAL MEETING MINUTESApril 16, 2024 7:00 PMLITTLE WOLF TOWN HALLChairman Moede called the meeting to Order at 7:00 pm. Elected Officials present: Moede, R. Beyer, T.Niemuth, Wilz and J. Beyer. Others present: none. Moede confirmed that those present that were residents were allowed to vote at this meeting. Voting residents: 5. Wilz/Niemuth to approve the minutes of the April 18, 2023 Annual Meeting. Carried with 5 ayes, 0 no.The annual financial reports were reviewed, with no questions or comments. Niemuth/R. Beyer to approve the 2023 Financials. Carried 5-0.Comprehensive Planning: the following member appointments were renewed: Rhonda Wilz, Ken Groholski and Rod Beyer, J. Beyer, Tammy Arndt, Marilyn Hurda and Ken Thiene as alternate. Moede/Niemuth to approve the appointments. Carried 5- Ayes, 0- no.Fire/Ambulance representatives: Rod Beyer and Jackie Beyer are the reps, with Alan Moede and Todd Niemuth being the alternates. J. Beyer/Niemuth to approve the appointments. Carried with 5- ayes.Jackie Beyer/ R.Beyer to renew the County Post as the official newspaper. Carried with 5- ayes, 0-no.J. Beyer/R.Beyer to leave website as is. Carried 5-0.Niemuth/R. Beyer to approve the update of the Clerk/Treasurer Quickbook programs. Carried 5-0.Building Use/Maintenance: The brush that is down on the fence line at the Town hall will be taken care of. Roads: Tree to cut down on Butternut and one on the end of Progress Rd. Sign by Zielke’s on Swan Rd needs straightening, and 2 Stop signs need to be put on wood posts, as steel are illegal. American Asphalt will be doing the Butternut Road project after the Rodeo, tentatively. Town Hall Rent: currently is $50 for rent, and $50 for a returnable deposit. No changes made. Salaries and per diems were reviewed. The board members felt they were sufficient. Beyer/Wilz to leave board members’ salaries the same. Per Diems for Committee/commission members discussed. Moede felt they should be same as the board per diem. Moede/Niemuth to raise per diems for committee members to $50 per meeting. Carried 5-0. Board members have not seen a pay increase for years, but due to no public present, felt it wrong to ‘vote themselves a raise’. This may be a Special Elector subject at the November Budget meetings. Clerk stated she felt that just the Clerk and the Chair receiving reimbursement for phone expense should be changed. Other towns reimburse all members. J. Beyer/Moede to approve the phone reimbursement at $35 per month for all board members, as all use their phones and internet for the job. Carried 5-0, and effective immediately. Mileage reimbursement will always match the Federal allowed reimbursement, which is $0.67 for 2024. Other Town Business: Motion by J. Beyer/ R. Beyer to make the monthly Town Board Meeting start times as follows: 6:00 pm for months November thru March; 7:00 pm for months April thru October. Carried 5-0.Public Comment: none.
The next Annual Meeting was scheduled for Tuesday, April 15, 2025 at 7:00 pm.
Moede/Niemuth to adjourn the Annual Meeting. Carried. Meeting was adjourned at 7:57 pm.
These minutes are subject to approval.Respectfully Submitted, Jackie Beyer, Town Clerk
Town Board Minutes 4-11-2024
Town of Little WolfMeeting ProceedingsThursday, April 11, 2024Little Wolf Town Hall
Chairman Moede called the Board of Review First Meeting to Order at 6:55 pm. Board members present were: Moede, Beyer, Niemuth, Wilz and Beyer. There were 3 visitors present.Beyer/Niemuth to Adjourn the Board of Review to a later date, due to the Assessment Rolls being incomplete. Carried 3-0.Moede/Beyer to adjourn meeting at 6:56 pm. Carried.
Immediately following the BOR meeting;
Chairman Moede called the regular monthly meeting to Order at 6:56 pm. Roll call showed Moede, R. Beyer, Niemuth, Wilz and Beyer present.
Niemuth/Beyer to approve the Agenda. Motion Carried 3-0.
Niemuth/Beyer to approve the March 14, 2024 Minutes. Motion Carried 3-0.
Wilz gave the fund balances. Total cash on hand, as of 4/07/2024, was $ 603,038.70. The Clerk and the Treasurer reconciled to the bank statement. Niemuth/Moede to approve the Treasurers report. Carried 3-0.
Casey Beyersdorf, Commissioner, Waupaca County Hwy Dept was present to ask the Town to consider allowing them to use Spring Creek Road as the detour for the 2026 County Road B Bridge replacement. It would start after the Rodeo in July 2026 and take approximately 3 months to complete. Spring Creek Road was built to County specs in 2001 to accomodate the main street Manawa project. Discussion regarding things the County will do, in exchange for the detour on the Town road, ie yellow and white striping of the road, signage to accommodate the increased traffic, a 45 mph speed limit for safety, and other signage. The Town gave preliminary approval, for engineer planning purposes, asking Beyersdorf to send an email with the proposal to the Town, for an agenda item and proper vote and approval in May.
Sue Johnson was present to ask for the Town wifi password for better reception for the 4-H meetings. She also suggested some signage that would assist in the detour on Spring Creek Road. Moede asked Johnson how the tree trimming is going on her trees in their yard. Johnson replied her chain saw was broken, so she hasn’t completed that yet.
Business:The Planning Commission has postponed a decision on the CUP for Eder. After getting more info, they will reconvene on May 7, 2024 at 6:00 pm to make their recommendations to the Town Board. This will be on the May 9th Board agenda.Proposed Ordinance Revisions from Waupaca County Zoning were reviewed. The Board is in agreement that the proposed changes, as presented were satisfactory.
Land Use Permits: 2 cutting permits received along with 6 LUP for assorted additions and accessory structures.
Fire number for Miller Lane has been installed.
Fire/Ambulance report: Fire dept is up to 28 members on roster, compared to 17 two years ago. April 28th is the annual Pancake Breakfast. They’ve been on 45 calls since Nov 1, 2023. The updated Fire Department ByLaws were approved by the Commission. Ambulance Dept reports 26 runs since January 1, 2024. A donation of $750 was received from ThedaCare. The last step to being Flex Paramedic status is to get the approval from our Medical Director. We expect this soon. Updated Ambulance Department ByLaws were approved by the Commission. Next meeting of the Fire Board is on Tuesday, April 23, 2024 at 6 pm. This meeting is open to the public.
Building Use: The April 2nd storm knocked down a lot of trees along the walking trail on the Town Hall lot. Beyer will have them taken care of.
Roads: A Watershed project on Swan road was discussed, and due to the recent moisture, the hauling will be done from B to spring Creek Rd to Swan. Ditch mowing discussion regarding quotes from two providers. The Board felt it best to stick with the current mowing method and vendor. Results of the Road Inspection were reviewed. Some trees that are becoming hazardous were discussed. Beyer will talk to Midstate Tree Service to have removed. Exit survey results from April election: 33 Yes for the $100K option; 13 Yes for the $150K option and 50 No responses. Thank you to all who filled out the Survey. The Clerk stated she felt that the current economy and interest rates should be considered, as they relate to our residents’ ability to make ends meet and the effect of a higher tax bill. Niemuth stated he agreed with that statement. Supervisor Beyer stated he has started talking with Jim Hass regarding the ditching/standing water by his pit.
Correspondence was reviewed. Bills and checks were presented for payment. Checks numbering 4101-4119 were presented for payables. Moede/Niemuth to approve payment of bills with checks 4101-4119. Carried 3-0.
Beyer/Niemuth to adjourn. Meeting was adjourned at 8:10 pm.
These minutes are subject to Board approval.Respectfully submitted, Jackie Beyer, Clerk
Planning Commission Minutes 4-9-24
Minutes from 04-09-24 meeting of the Town of Little Wolf Planning CommissionMeeting was called to order at 6:00pm by Chair Jackie Beyer and opening statement was read.Roll call was taken present were Jackie Beyer, Rod Beyer, Ken Groholski, Marilyn Hurda, Tammy Arndt and Rhonda Wilz.Visitors: Gene & Charlene Johnson, Kay & Dave Niven, Rachel Bouressa, Kurt Kolossa, Cindy & Jeff Jaeckle, Brad Killam.
Comprehensive Planning Review: Consideration to recommend to the Town Board, for a Conditional Use Permit (CUP) application for parcel 13-34-12-2, owned by Robert Eder.The parcel currently is Agriculture Retention. The applicant is proposing to place up to three recreational vehicles on the property in excess of thirty days throughout the year. The agent utilizes the property as a “Hip Camp” which is like an Airbnb for camping sites.
Letters were mailed to landowners within 300 feet of said property. Letters mailed to: Marilyn M Binder, E6300BB Management LLC, Robert Eder, Christopher R & Breana L Fellinger, KarenAdler Fischer, Gehrke Rev Trusts,, Jeffrey A & Cindy M Jaeckle, Randy Johnson, Bradley J Killam, David M & Kay Niven, Spiegelberg Farm, LLC, Tory D M Suehs, Jean M Tregellas. Chair Jackie Beyer received five emails all requesting that the CUP not be allowed. The emails were received from Michelle Grabner,Robert Elkins,Jon Fischer,Robert Bieser and Breana and Chris Fellinger..Discussion: Rachel Bouressa was present and represented Robert Eder as his agent. She was asked by Eder to explain why the need for the CUP. Eder/Bouressa currently have one camper on the forementioned property and and are applying for CUP for up to 3 campsites. This property has been advertised on “Hip Camp” and Airbnb. Questions from the Comphrehensive Planning Commission for Rachel included :How many campers will be placed on the property,how will noise be controlled,tresspassers, loittering, and fireworks.
6 visitor: Gene Johnson, Dave Niven, Cindy & Jeff Jaeckle & Brad Killam all spoke NOT in Favor of the proposed campsite.Motion made by Tammy Arndt to reconvene at a later date after the planning commission has had a chance to walk/view the property. Motion seconded by Marilyn Hurda.
Next meeting will take place on May 7th at 6pm.Board appointments will take place at Annual Meeting.No new business.Motion made by Rod Beyer to adjourn. Seconded by Ken Groholski. All in favor. Motion carried.Meeting adjourned at 7:17pm.Respectfully submitted,Rhonda J Wilz-Secretary
Planning Commission Meeting- April 9
Notice of Planning Commission MeetingTuesday, April 9, 2024 6:00 pm at the Little Wolf Town Hall. The item for consideration is a recommendation to the Town Board, for a Conditional Use Permit application for parcel 13-34-12-2. The parcel currently is Agriculture Retention. The applicant is proposing to place up to three recreational vehicles on the property in excess of thirty days throughout the year. The agent utilizes the property as a “Hip Camp” which is like an Airbnb for camping sites.
The Planning Commission Agenda is as follows:Call to OrderOpen Meeting StatementConfirm Quorum Review the Permit application and discussionPublic Comment on the applicationRecommendation to the Town Board Board appointments at Annual MeetingNew BusinessAdjourn
The Planning Commission Agenda is as follows:Call to OrderOpen Meeting StatementConfirm Quorum Review the Permit application and discussionPublic Comment on the applicationRecommendation to the Town Board Board appointments at Annual MeetingNew BusinessAdjourn
Annual Meeting Notice/Agenda
ANNUAL MEETINGTOWN OF LITTLE WOLFTuesday, April 16, 20247:00 pmLittle Wolf Town HallYear: 2023
Agenda:Open Meeting with the Pledge of AllegianceOpen Meeting Statement-THIS MEETING IS OPEN TO THE PUBLIC, AND THE PRESS HAS BEEN NOTIFIED.Roll call of Electors presentChairman will inform Residents of Meeting ProtocolApproval of April, 2023 Annual Meeting MinutesAnnual Report will be Reviewed and DiscussedAll monthly Agenda Items will be open for discussion: Comprehensive Planning/ Planning Commission Appointments- Appoint Planning Commission Members Fire and Ambulance/ Fire Board Appointments Town Newspaper Web Site Town Computers Building Use and Maintenance RoadsReview Fees charged/ Amend if necessaryApprove per diems and Hourly amounts for Board and Commissions Compensation for Elected Officials (takes effect in 2025)Mileage Rate for ReimbursementAny other Town Business Public CommentSchedule Next Annual meeting (2024, held in April 2025)Adjourn
Town Clerk- Jackie BeyerP.O. Box 8Manawa, WI 54949
Agenda:Open Meeting with the Pledge of AllegianceOpen Meeting Statement-THIS MEETING IS OPEN TO THE PUBLIC, AND THE PRESS HAS BEEN NOTIFIED.Roll call of Electors presentChairman will inform Residents of Meeting ProtocolApproval of April, 2023 Annual Meeting MinutesAnnual Report will be Reviewed and DiscussedAll monthly Agenda Items will be open for discussion: Comprehensive Planning/ Planning Commission Appointments- Appoint Planning Commission Members Fire and Ambulance/ Fire Board Appointments Town Newspaper Web Site Town Computers Building Use and Maintenance RoadsReview Fees charged/ Amend if necessaryApprove per diems and Hourly amounts for Board and Commissions Compensation for Elected Officials (takes effect in 2025)Mileage Rate for ReimbursementAny other Town Business Public CommentSchedule Next Annual meeting (2024, held in April 2025)Adjourn
Town Clerk- Jackie BeyerP.O. Box 8Manawa, WI 54949
Notice to Adjourn Board of Review
MEETING NOTICETOWN OF LITTLE WOLFNOTE CHANGE OF DATEThursday, April 11, 20246:55 PmAdjourn the Board of Review
Notice is Hereby given that the Town of Little Wolf will call the Board of Review to Order at 6:55 pm, on Thursday, April 11, 2024, to Adjourn the meeting to a later date, at such a time the Assessment roll has been completed. Information on Open Book, the Board of Review, and the assessment process is available by calling the Town Clerk at 920-596-2143. The Board of Review will hear and act on objections to property value assessments at their meeting to be determined at a later time.
Notices pertaining to Open Book and Board of Review will be published at least 15 days prior to these meetings. Persons wishing to appear before the Board must file an Objection Form with the Town Clerk. Forms and instructions are available upon request of the Town Clerk.
Jackie BeyerTown Clerk
Notice is Hereby given that the Town of Little Wolf will call the Board of Review to Order at 6:55 pm, on Thursday, April 11, 2024, to Adjourn the meeting to a later date, at such a time the Assessment roll has been completed. Information on Open Book, the Board of Review, and the assessment process is available by calling the Town Clerk at 920-596-2143. The Board of Review will hear and act on objections to property value assessments at their meeting to be determined at a later time.
Notices pertaining to Open Book and Board of Review will be published at least 15 days prior to these meetings. Persons wishing to appear before the Board must file an Objection Form with the Town Clerk. Forms and instructions are available upon request of the Town Clerk.
Jackie BeyerTown Clerk
Regular Town Board Agenda
TOWN OF LITTLE WOLFMEETING AGENDA Thursday, April 11, 2024Little Wolf Town HallE6325 County Rd N, ManawaImmediately after Adjourning Board of Review
Open Meeting – THIS MEETING IS OPEN TO THE PUBLIC. IT HAS BEEN POSTED AND THE PRESS HAS BEEN NOTIFIED.Pledge of AllegianceRoll Call of Officials – Moede, Beyer, Niemuth, Wilz, BeyerApproval of Agenda-Clerk’s Report – Approval of March 14, 2024Treasurer’s Report- Approval Constable’s Report – ApprovalPublic Input – Business:• Review/action on CUP for Eder- campsites• CSM- • Land Use Permits• Permits Issued – Buildings and Driveways• UDC Inspection Reports-• Fire Numbers- • Fire and Ambulance Report- next mtg April 23, 2024 at 6pm• Ordinances- • Building Use and Maintenance:• Generator check• Road Report/Maintenance Work• Ditch mowing discussion/approval• Review Road Inspection Results• Results from Survey taken at Election
CorrespondencePayment of Bills – Adjournment Affidavit of Posting: this notice was posted on or before 4/6/2024Jackie Beyer, Clerk, Town of Little Wolf
Open Meeting – THIS MEETING IS OPEN TO THE PUBLIC. IT HAS BEEN POSTED AND THE PRESS HAS BEEN NOTIFIED.Pledge of AllegianceRoll Call of Officials – Moede, Beyer, Niemuth, Wilz, BeyerApproval of Agenda-Clerk’s Report – Approval of March 14, 2024Treasurer’s Report- Approval Constable’s Report – ApprovalPublic Input – Business:• Review/action on CUP for Eder- campsites• CSM- • Land Use Permits• Permits Issued – Buildings and Driveways• UDC Inspection Reports-• Fire Numbers- • Fire and Ambulance Report- next mtg April 23, 2024 at 6pm• Ordinances- • Building Use and Maintenance:• Generator check• Road Report/Maintenance Work• Ditch mowing discussion/approval• Review Road Inspection Results• Results from Survey taken at Election
CorrespondencePayment of Bills – Adjournment Affidavit of Posting: this notice was posted on or before 4/6/2024Jackie Beyer, Clerk, Town of Little Wolf
Notice of Public Test of Voting Machine
Notice of Public Test
The Public Test of the Electronic VotingEquipment will be conducted on Tuesday, March 26, 2024 at 2:00 pm at the LittleWolf Town Hall, for the April 2, 2024 Spring Election. Test is open to the Public, andHandicap accessible. All interested parties are Encouraged to attend.
Jackie Beyer, ClerkTown of Little Wolf
March 14, Meeting Minutes
Town of Little WolfMeeting ProceedingsThursday, March 14, 2024Little Wolf Town Hall
Chairman Moede called the regular monthly meeting to Order at 7:00 pm. Roll call showed Moede, R. Beyer, Niemuth, Wilz and Beyer present. Niemuth/Beyer to approve the Agenda. Motion Carried 3-0.Niemuth/Beyer to approve the February 8, 2024 Minutes, as well as Special Meeting Minutes from Feb 20, and February 29, 2024 as printed on website. Motion Carried 3-0.
Wilz gave the fund balances. Total cash on hand, as of 3/08/2024, was $ 620,467.71. The Clerk and the Treasurer reconciled to the bank statement. Moede/Niemuth to approve the Treasurers report. Carried 3-0.
Business:Proposed Ordinance Revisions from Waupaca County Zoning were received via email. The Board is now to review and give feedback to the County, at the April meeting. This will be on the April agenda.
Land Use Permits: 1 cutting permit was received and one LUP for an addition to existing pole shed
Fire number for Miller Lane will be put up when it arrives.
Fire/Ambulance report: Ambulance Department reported 24 in last month; applied for the ThedaCare grant; Public fund raiser on May 18th will be a 9 pin tournament at Keglers; Bylaws to be reviewed at March meeting. New Brush truck for Fire Department is in service; calendar raffle starts April 1; 2 applicants approved for membership, bring roster to 27. Pancake Breakfast is to be on April 28th, and will be the Drive Thru format. Next meeting of the Fire Board is on Tuesday, March 19, 2024 at 6 pm. This meeting is open to the public.
Building Use: Generator is working as expected. Community Room is available to rent for any occasion. Two quotes were received for the lawn maintenance this coming season. Motion by Moede/Beyer to hire Chris Roehl to do the lawn maintenance for the 2024 season. Carried by all.
Roads: Culverts on Bridge Road was discussed, including a site visit with County Hwy personnel. A Watershed project on Swan road was discussed. The road does have a 6 ton wt limit, however, the Town cannot usurp the state law regarding deliveries being prohibited to the job site. An alternate was discussed, using Cty Rd B when loaded. The Board will check this more closely on Saturday during the Road Inspection. Doud Road ditching was completed. Faulks Brothers will do the work on Spring Creek Rd, to correct the depth from last year’s project. Ditch mowing discussion regarding quotes from two providers. Tabled until April meeting. Discussion regarding exit survey for April election, to get resident opinion on future road budget.
Correspondence was reviewed. Bills and checks were presented for payment. Checks numbering 4067-4070, 4082-4100 were presented for payables. Beyer/Niemuth to approve payment of bills with checks 4067-4070, 4082-4100. Carried 3-0.
Beyer/Niemuth to adjourn. Meeting was adjourned at 8:06 pm. These minutes are subject to Board approval.Respectfully submitted, Jackie Beyer, Clerk
The Town of Little Wolf Town Board will be doing the Annual Spring Road InspectionOn Saturday, March 16, 2024 starting at 8:00 am at the Little Wolf Town Hall. The purpose ofThis Inspection is to assess the road conditions in the Town, and discuss what work will beTaking place in 2024 and the future. This is considered a Town Meeting, and is Open to The Public. If any resident has a concern they would like to discuss with the Board, when they Are on your road, please contact the Chairman or the Clerk before that day, so it can be noted.
Posted on 3-14-2024
Jackie Beyer, Clerk
March 14 Meeting Agenda
TOWN OF LITTLE WOLF MEETING AGENDA Thursday, March 14, 2024 Little Wolf Town Hall E6325 County Rd N, Manawa 7:00 PM
Open Meeting – THIS MEETING IS OPEN TO THE PUBLIC. IT HAS BEEN POSTED AND THE PRESS HAS BEEN NOTIFIED.Pledge of AllegianceRoll Call of Officials – Moede, Beyer, Niemuth, Wilz, BeyerApproval of Agenda-Clerk’s Report – Approval of February 8, 2024 Minutes, & Special Meeting Minues from 2/20/24, 2/29/24Treasurer’s Report- Approval Constable’s Report – ApprovalPublic Input – Business:• Spring Road Inspection- Saturday, March 16, 2024 at 8:00 am• CSM- • Land Use Permits• Permits Issued – Buildings and Driveways• UDC Inspection Reports-• Fire Numbers- • Fire and Ambulance Report- next mtg March 19, 2024 at 6pm• Ordinances- • Building Use and Maintenance:• Summer lawn maintenance- approve• Generator check• Road Report/Maintenance Work• Review quote for Spring Creek Rd• Doud Road ditching project update• Ditch mowing discussion/approval
CorrespondencePayment of Bills – Adjournment Affidavit of Posting: this notice was posted on or before 3/8/2024Jackie Beyer, Clerk, Town of Little Wolf
Open Meeting – THIS MEETING IS OPEN TO THE PUBLIC. IT HAS BEEN POSTED AND THE PRESS HAS BEEN NOTIFIED.Pledge of AllegianceRoll Call of Officials – Moede, Beyer, Niemuth, Wilz, BeyerApproval of Agenda-Clerk’s Report – Approval of February 8, 2024 Minutes, & Special Meeting Minues from 2/20/24, 2/29/24Treasurer’s Report- Approval Constable’s Report – ApprovalPublic Input – Business:• Spring Road Inspection- Saturday, March 16, 2024 at 8:00 am• CSM- • Land Use Permits• Permits Issued – Buildings and Driveways• UDC Inspection Reports-• Fire Numbers- • Fire and Ambulance Report- next mtg March 19, 2024 at 6pm• Ordinances- • Building Use and Maintenance:• Summer lawn maintenance- approve• Generator check• Road Report/Maintenance Work• Review quote for Spring Creek Rd• Doud Road ditching project update• Ditch mowing discussion/approval
CorrespondencePayment of Bills – Adjournment Affidavit of Posting: this notice was posted on or before 3/8/2024Jackie Beyer, Clerk, Town of Little Wolf
Minutes from Special Meeting
The Town Board Chairman called the Special Meeting to Order at 6:00 pm. Board members present were: Moede, Beyer, Niemuth(via phone) and J. Beyer. There were no residents/visitors present.
Discussion regarding the ARIP funding took place. The criteria/requirements for application were discussed. R. Beyer watched the DOT webinar and stated he felt we were not going to be competitive, based on our Towns responses to the application. . J. Beyer stated there aren’t a lot of permits issued to exceed the weight limits during the Spring Wt Limits. Niemuth felt there were too many restrictions for the town to qualify; mainly the requirement that a road has been physically posted in at least 30 days of the preceding 12 months. The economic impact to the agribusiness on any road used to apply for the grant is required. That comes from the farmers or any agribusiness, including logging. To do any engineering in order to apply for the grant seemed a poor spend of the taxpayer monies, as it is not a guaranteed return on the investment, based on what the board believed to be a low economic impact when compared to other applicants.
Niemuth/Beyer to suspend working towards applying for the first round of ARIP monies, and to continue getting information to allow applying for the second round of the ARIP funding. Carried by all.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 3:05 pm.These Minutes are subject to Board Approval.Respectfully Submitted,Jackie Beyer, Clerk
Notice of Special Meeting on 2-29-2024
The Town Board Chairman has called a Special Meeting of the Board, to take place on THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 29, 2024 6:00 PM at the Little Wolf Town Hall. This meeting is Open to the Public. The Agenda is as follows:Call to Order at with Open Meeting Statement: this meeting is Open to the Public and the press has been notified, so the citizens may be made aware of the time and place and purpose of the meeting.Roll Call Discussion/Action on proceeding with the ARIP grant program:• Application process- deadline April 5, 2024• Discuss which roads to submit for grant- PER DOT CRITERIA• Discuss/Act on Engineering, Construction estimates and Grant writer for the program• Timeline for ActionsAdjourn
Affidavit of Posting: this agenda/notice was posted on or before Saturday, February 24, 2024. Signed, Jackie Beyer, Clerk
Minutes from Special Meeting- FEB 20
The Town Board Chairman called the Special Meeting to Order at 2:00 pm. Board members present were: Moede, Beyer, Niemuth and J. Beyer. There were no residents/visitors present.Marilyn Hurda has expressed interest to continue as an Election Official for the 2024-2025 cycle. Moede/Beyer to approve adding Marilyn Hurda to the Election Official list. Carried 3-0.Discussion regarding the 6-20 Ft Culvert Inventory and who would the Town like to designate. After a presentation at the Towns Association meeting on February 15th, Casey Beyersdorf explained what was required and the administration of the inventory including data entry and submittal to the DOT. It was clear the County could do the work for the $100 per structure that the DOT is going to pay to the entity doing the inventory. So, in short, the Town can comply and not spend any money on the process at this point. Beyer/Niemuth to approve having the Waupaca County Highway Dept do the Culvert Inventory for the Town. Carried 3-0.The subject matter for this meeting was the Road grant monies for application, via the AgRIP program. There is a total of $50,000,000 of a pot of money to be awarded on this first ‘round’. ** There will be a ‘second round’ of applications later in the year. In order to apply for consideration, the Town must hire an engineering service. A normal cost of 1 mile of road these days is $1 million dollars, plus at least an 8% upcharge for the engineering. The Town did send a request for proposals for engineering, but only received one so far. Motion by Moede/Niemuth to put an RFP in the town’s paper, using White Clover Rd as our project, to acquire an engineering service. Carried 3-0. This will give the required info, so the quote on the construction can be sought. Then, an impact statement from a farmer/agribusiness must be obtained and included in the grant application. Any engineering report we acquire can be used for any grant applications, until one is awarded. This means the Town can use the same report for the second grant opportunity or LRIP or TRIP grants in the future. The Board decided to move forward with acquiring the required parts of the application, by a motion by Niemuth/Beyer. Carried 3-0. A reminder of how grant monies work: once the bills are paid, by the Town, and proof of payment submitted, then the grant money gets reimbursed to the Town. That is, the amount we are actually awarded, which is not guaranteed or a guarantee of the percent of award.There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 3:05 pm.Respectfully Submitted,Jackie Beyer, Clerk **Clerks note: after more information was received, the minutes were clarified to reflect that information.
The Town Board Chairman called the Special Meeting to Order at 2:00 pm. Board members present were: Moede, Beyer, Niemuth and J. Beyer. There were no residents/visitors present.Marilyn Hurda has expressed interest to continue as an Election Official for the 2024-2025 cycle. Moede/Beyer to approve adding Marilyn Hurda to the Election Official list. Carried 3-0.Discussion regarding the 6-20 Ft Culvert Inventory and who would the Town like to designate. After a presentation at the Towns Association meeting on February 15th, Casey Beyersdorf explained what was required and the administration of the inventory including data entry and submittal to the DOT. It was clear the County could do the work for the $100 per structure that the DOT is going to pay to the entity doing the inventory. So, in short, the Town can comply and not spend any money on the process at this point. Beyer/Niemuth to approve having the Waupaca County Highway Dept do the Culvert Inventory for the Town. Carried 3-0.The subject matter for this meeting was the Road grant monies for application, via the AgRIP program. There is a total of $50,000,000 of a pot of money to be awarded on this first ‘round’. ** There will be a ‘second round’ of applications later in the year. In order to apply for consideration, the Town must hire an engineering service. A normal cost of 1 mile of road these days is $1 million dollars, plus at least an 8% upcharge for the engineering. The Town did send a request for proposals for engineering, but only received one so far. Motion by Moede/Niemuth to put an RFP in the town’s paper, using White Clover Rd as our project, to acquire an engineering service. Carried 3-0. This will give the required info, so the quote on the construction can be sought. Then, an impact statement from a farmer/agribusiness must be obtained and included in the grant application. Any engineering report we acquire can be used for any grant applications, until one is awarded. This means the Town can use the same report for the second grant opportunity or LRIP or TRIP grants in the future. The Board decided to move forward with acquiring the required parts of the application, by a motion by Niemuth/Beyer. Carried 3-0. A reminder of how grant monies work: once the bills are paid, by the Town, and proof of payment submitted, then the grant money gets reimbursed to the Town. That is, the amount we are actually awarded, which is not guaranteed or a guarantee of the percent of award.There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 3:05 pm.Respectfully Submitted,Jackie Beyer, Clerk **Clerks note: after more information was received, the minutes were clarified to reflect that information.
Agenda for Special Meeting on 2-20-24
NOTICE OF SPECIAL MEETINGTOWN OF LITTLE WOLFTUESDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 2024 2:00 PMLITTLE WOLF TOWN HALLThe Town Board Chairman has called a Special Meeting of the Board, to take place on TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 2024 at 2:00 pm at the Little Wolf Town Hall.
This meeting is Open to the Public.
The Agenda is as follows:
Call to Order at 2:00 PM with Open Meeting Statement: this meeting is Open to the Public and the press has been notified, so the citizens may be made aware of the time and place and purpose of the meeting.
Roll Call
Approve Marilyn Hurda to Election Official list for 2024-2025Discussion/Action on the DOT 6-20 Ft. culvert inventory and assessment programDiscussion/Action on proceeding with the ARIP grant program:• Application process- deadline April 5, 2024• Discuss which roads to improve- Paser rating report• Engineering for the program• Timeline for Actions
Affidavit of Posting: this agenda/notice was posted on or before Friday, February 16, 2024.
Signed, Jackie Beyer, Clerk
February Meeting Minutes
Town of Little WolfMeeting ProceedingsThursday, February 8, 2024Little Wolf Town Hall
Chairman Moede called the regular monthly meeting to Order at 6:00 pm. Roll call showed Moede, R. Beyer, Niemuth, Wilz and Beyer present. There was one visitor and 2 residents present.Beyer/Niemuth to approve the Agenda. Motion Carried 3-0.Moede/Niemuth to approve the January 11, 2024 Minutes as printed on website. Motion Carried 3-0.
Wilz gave the fund balances. Total cash on hand, as of 2/07/2024, was $1,124,794.02. Settlement checks to the schools and County are due the 15th, so that will drop. Collections on property taxes are finished as of yesterday, with payment at 95% received. Any future payments received will be sent to the County Treasurer. The Clerk and the Treasurer reconciled to the bank statement. Moede/Beyer to approve the Treasurers report. Carried 3-0.
Constable’s Report: nonePublic Input- Russell Montgomery was present to introduce himself as Candidate for County Board. He is retired from the City of Waupaca. The current District 17 rep, Dave Johnson, is retiring. Bill and Bev Dallman were present, with Bill expressing concern about trees in the line of vision on the West end of Yohr Rd; a concern for safety reasons. Also any overhanging trees that drop sap should be
addressed, as the sap does deteriorate the road surface.
Business:Informational meeting at the Waupaca County Courthouse on February 29 for proposed Zoning Changes to the Ordinances. This meeting is for Town Officials to attend and hear the proposed changes and provide feedback.
Land Use Permits: 3 cutting permits received.
Fire/Ambulance report: Ambulance Department is working toward getting certified by the State to be a Paramedic Flex department. Ambulance also gained 2 more Paramedic level employees. Fire Department brush truck has arrived! Water Ice rescue training completed. One new applicant for Fire Department, and one member resigning due to moving. 22 Fire calls so far for 2024. Next meeting of the Fire Board is on Tuesday, February 20, 2024 at 6 pm. This meeting is open to the public.
Building Use: Generator is working as expected. Beyer’s’ worked on purging old documents, as per the adopted ordinance, out of the closet in the community room. Discussion on disposal of items took place.
Roads: Niemuth presented a quote on the ditching proposed on Doud Road. Due to AT&T not responding for locate requests; the quote from the County was the preferred quote. The quote from WCHD was for $12,000. Moede/Beyer to approve the quote with WC for Doud Rd. Carried 3-0. Niemuth presented a quote for work proposed for White Clover Road. The question of available funds for the year was raised. The decision will be tabled until closer to spring. A quote for spraying parsnip and ditch mowing were discussed. The parsnip spraying was a priority, as it is gaining ground every year it is not addressed. Moede/Beyer to hire Flyaway, LLC to do the parsnip spraying in 2024. Carried 3-0. Ditch mowing quote was tabled till March. The DOT culvert inventory was discussed. More info is needed to determine how the Town will attain the inventory. This will be a March agenda item.
Correspondence was reviewed. Bills and checks were presented for payment. Checks numbering 4057-4081 were presented for payables. Beyer/Niemuth to approve payment of bills with checks 4057-4081. Check number 4070, which was held by the Treasurer, was returned to Clerk. Carried 3-0.
Beyer/Niemuth to adjourn. Meeting was adjourned at 7:22 pm. These minutes are subject to Board approval.Respectfully submitted, Jackie Beyer, Clerk
February 8th Meeting Agenda
TOWN OF LITTLE WOLFMEETING AGENDA Thursday, February 8, 2024Little Wolf Town HallE6325 County Rd N, Manawa6:00 PM
Open Meeting – THIS MEETING IS OPEN TO THE PUBLIC. IT HAS BEEN POSTED AND THE PRESS HAS BEEN NOTIFIED.Pledge of AllegianceRoll Call of Officials – Moede, Beyer, Niemuth, Wilz, BeyerApproval of Agenda-Clerk’s Report – Approval of January 11, 2024 MinutesTreasurer’s Report- Approval Constable’s Report – ApprovalPublic Input –
• Informational meeting at WC for Zoning changes
• CSM-
• Land Use Permits
• Permits Issued – Buildings and Driveways
• UDC Inspection Reports-
• Fire Numbers-
• Fire and Ambulance Report- next mtg February 20, 2024 at 6pm
• Ordinances-
• Building Use and Maintenance:• Generator check
• Road Report/Maintenance Work • Review quote for White Clover Rd • Doud Road ditching project • Discuss ditch mowing quote from Behm • DOT Bridge Inspections/ discuss and action • Waupaca County Bridge Inspection • Discuss Spring Weight Limits
• Towns Association meeting on Feb 15th at Gopher’s
CorrespondencePayment of Bills – Adjournment
Affidavit of Posting: this notice was posted on or before 2/4/2024
Jackie Beyer, Clerk
Meeting Minutes- January 11, 2024
Town of Little WolfMeeting ProceedingsThursday, January 11, 2024Little Wolf Town HallChairman Moede called the regular monthly meeting to Order at 7:00 pm. Roll call showed Moede, R. Beyer, Niemuth, Wilz and Beyer present.
Beyer/Niemuth to approve the Agenda. Motion Carried 3-0.Moede/Beyer to approve the December 14, 2023 Minutes. Motion Carried 3-0.
Wilz gave the fund balances. Total cash on hand, as of 1/06/2023, was $1,510,195.15 Settlement checks to the schools and County are due the 15th, so that will drop. Collections on property taxes are at 51.18%. The Clerk and the Treasurer reconciled to the bank statement. Moede/Niemuth to approve the Treasurers report. Carried 3-0.
Constable’s Report: noneNo Public InputBusiness:
Upcoming training for the Board of Review is being offered. Clerk will attend virtually.
Land Use Permits: 1 new home; one cutting permit received.
Fire/Ambulance report: Ambulance had 30 calls previous meeting, bringing 2023 total calls to 361. Planning on holding a CPR class for the Public to attend. Fire Department expecting brush truck soon. Pantry deliveries done for Christmas. One new applicant for Fire Department. 6 Fire calls between Nov 19 and Dec 19. Next meeting of the Fire Board is on Tuesday, January 16, 2024 at 6 pm. This meeting is open to the public.
Building Use: Generator is staying online as expected.
Roads: Moede and Beyer met with trimming companies to give the parameters of the project. Beyer did some trimming that was reachable. Received quotes from: Received a culvert permit from Symco Trailblazers for an access on Bridge Road. Other work expected is maintaining after snow events.Correspondence was reviewed. Bills and checks were presented for payment. Checks numbering 4041-4056 were presented for payables. Moede/Niemuth to approve payment of bills with checks 4041-4056. Checks numbering 4057 – 4070 will be held by the Treasurer for the escrow refunds and settlement checks. Carried 3-0.
Beyer/Niemuth to adjourn. Meeting was adjourned at 7:58 pm.
These minutes are subject to Board approval.Respectfully submitted, Jackie Beyer, Clerk
Agenda for January 11, 2024, at 7 PM
TOWN OF LITTLE WOLF MEETING AGENDA Thursday, January 11, 2024 Little Wolf Town Hall E6325 County Rd N, Manawa 7:00 PM
Open Meeting – THIS MEETING IS OPEN TO THE PUBLIC. IT HAS BEEN POSTED AND THE PRESS HAS BEEN NOTIFIED.Pledge of AllegianceRoll Call of Officials – Moede, Beyer, Niemuth, Wilz, BeyerApproval of Agenda-Clerk’s Report – Approval of December 14, 2023 MinutesTreasurer’s Report- Approval Constable’s Report – ApprovalPublic Input – Business:• Approve attendance at WTA District Meetings• CSM- • Land Use Permits• Permits Issued – Buildings and Driveways• UDC Inspection Reports-• Fire Numbers- • Fire and Ambulance Report- next mtg January 16, 2024 at 6pm• Ordinances- • Building Use and Maintenance: Generator check• Road Report/Maintenance Work• Review quotes/ Award trimming projects • 2023 Final Budget Amendments
CorrespondencePayment of Bills – Adjournment
Affidavit of Posting: this notice was posted on or before 1/7/2024Jackie Beyer, Clerk, Town of Little Wolf
Open Meeting – THIS MEETING IS OPEN TO THE PUBLIC. IT HAS BEEN POSTED AND THE PRESS HAS BEEN NOTIFIED.Pledge of AllegianceRoll Call of Officials – Moede, Beyer, Niemuth, Wilz, BeyerApproval of Agenda-Clerk’s Report – Approval of December 14, 2023 MinutesTreasurer’s Report- Approval Constable’s Report – ApprovalPublic Input – Business:• Approve attendance at WTA District Meetings• CSM- • Land Use Permits• Permits Issued – Buildings and Driveways• UDC Inspection Reports-• Fire Numbers- • Fire and Ambulance Report- next mtg January 16, 2024 at 6pm• Ordinances- • Building Use and Maintenance: Generator check• Road Report/Maintenance Work• Review quotes/ Award trimming projects • 2023 Final Budget Amendments
CorrespondencePayment of Bills – Adjournment
Affidavit of Posting: this notice was posted on or before 1/7/2024Jackie Beyer, Clerk, Town of Little Wolf
Minutes from December Meeting
Town of Little WolfMeeting ProceedingsThursday, December 14, 2023Little Wolf Town Hall
Chairman Moede called the regular monthly meeting to Order at 7:00 pm. Roll call showed Moede, R. Beyer, Niemuth, Wilz and Beyer present. There were 2 residents and one visitor present.
Beyer/Niemuth to approve the Agenda. Motion Carried 3-0.Beyer /Niemuth to approve the November 16, 2023 Minutes. Motion Carried 3-0.
Wilz gave the fund balances. Total cash on hand, as of 12/09/2023, was $518,537.56. The Clerk and the Treasurer reconciled to the bank statement. Tax collections have started. Moede/Beyer to approve the Treasurers report. Carried 3-0.
Constable’s Report: Moede had one dog dropped at his house. The owner was tracked with the rabies tag, and they claimed. Niemuth/Beyer to approve the Constable’s report. Carried 3-0.
Visitors: Dave Johnson, our Representative to the County Board stopped in to say thank you. He is not seeking reelection next April, due to retirement. There are two candidates running for that position.
Business:List of Election Officials for the 2024-2025 Election cycle was reviewed. Moede/Niemuth to approve the list. Carried 3-0.
A Conditional Use Permit for Brady Dallman was considered by the Planning Commission on Dec 11. The Commission recommended unanimously the Board to approve the CUP. Beyer/Niemuth to approve the CUP. Carried 3-0.Land Use Permits: 1 new home; one Shoreland permit for ditching; 1 UDC permit received for a generator install.
Fire/Ambulance report: The Fire Department had 114 calls for 2023, a new record. Ambulance reported 24 calls for October. Cardiac Monitor has been received. Both Department budgets for 2024 were approved. Next meeting of the Fire Board is on Tuesday, December 19 at 6 pm. This meeting is open to the public.
Building Use: Gutters on the building above the generator have been installed.
Roads: Moede and Beyer met with MCC on Fuhs Rd to discuss some necessary repairs. From Bridge to 22 are starting to cup, but too early to do any major repairs. Will be inspected again in 2024. The list of tree trimming was discussed. There is one on White Clover Rd that should get addressed this winter. Price quotes on a few trees that need removing from the right of ways will be sought. This will be a decision for January agenda. Moede reported the water issue on County Yard Rd at Jim Thiel’s land is being looked into again.
Correspondence was reviewed. Bills and checks were presented for payment. Checks numbering 3999-4017 were presented for payables. Moede/Niemuth to approve payment of bills with checks 3999-4017. Checks numbering 4019 – 4040 will be held by the Treasurer for the escrow refunds. Carried 3-0.
Beyer/Niemuth to adjourn. Meeting was adjourned at 7:58 pm.
These minutes are subject to Board approval.Respectfully submitted, Jackie Beyer, Clerk
Town Board Agenda for 12-14-2023
TOWN OF LITTLE WOLF MEETING AGENDA Thursday, December 14, 2023 Little Wolf Town Hall E6325 County Rd N, Manawa 7:00 PM
Open Meeting – THIS MEETING IS OPEN TO THE PUBLIC. IT HAS BEEN POSTED AND THE PRESS HAS BEEN NOTIFIED.Pledge of AllegianceRoll Call of Officials – Moede, Beyer, Niemuth, Wilz, BeyerApproval of Agenda-Clerk’s Report – Approval of November 16, 2023 MinutesTreasurer’s Report- Approval Constable’s Report – ApprovalPublic Input – Business:• Approve 2024-2025 Election Officials• Approve CUP for Dallman• CSM- • Land Use Permits• Permits Issued – Buildings and Driveways• UDC Inspection Reports-• Fire Numbers- • Fire and Ambulance Report- next mtg December 19, 2023 at 6pm• Ordinances- • Building Use and Maintenance:• Generator check• Road Report/Maintenance Work• Budget Amendment(s), if necessary
CorrespondencePayment of Bills – Adjournment
Affidavit of Posting: this notice was posted on or before 12/10/2023Jackie Beyer, Clerk, Town of Little Wolf
Open Meeting – THIS MEETING IS OPEN TO THE PUBLIC. IT HAS BEEN POSTED AND THE PRESS HAS BEEN NOTIFIED.Pledge of AllegianceRoll Call of Officials – Moede, Beyer, Niemuth, Wilz, BeyerApproval of Agenda-Clerk’s Report – Approval of November 16, 2023 MinutesTreasurer’s Report- Approval Constable’s Report – ApprovalPublic Input – Business:• Approve 2024-2025 Election Officials• Approve CUP for Dallman• CSM- • Land Use Permits• Permits Issued – Buildings and Driveways• UDC Inspection Reports-• Fire Numbers- • Fire and Ambulance Report- next mtg December 19, 2023 at 6pm• Ordinances- • Building Use and Maintenance:• Generator check• Road Report/Maintenance Work• Budget Amendment(s), if necessary
CorrespondencePayment of Bills – Adjournment
Affidavit of Posting: this notice was posted on or before 12/10/2023Jackie Beyer, Clerk, Town of Little Wolf
Notice of Planning Commission Meeting
Notice of Planning Commission MeetingMonday, December 11, 20236:00 pmLittle Wolf Town Hall
The Planning Commission will hold a meeting on Monday, December 11, 2023 at 6:00 pm at the Little Wolf Town Hall at E6325 County Rd N, Manawa, WI.
The item for consideration is a recommendation to the Town Board, for a Conditional Use Permit (CUP) application for parcel 13-11-11-2, owned by Brady and Cienna Dallman. They are proposing to have around six animal units on the property . Animal husbandry in the RR-O district is permitted through the conditional use permit process.
The Planning Commission Agenda is as follows:Call to OrderOpen Meeting StatementConfirm Quorum Review the Permit application and discussionPublic Comment on the applicationRecommendation to the Town Board Review the Town Recommendation sheetsDiscuss Commission member appointmentsNew BusinessAdjourn This will be an agenda item for consideration by the Town Board, at the regular monthly meeting on December 14, 2023 at 7:00 pm.
The Planning Commission Agenda is as follows:Call to OrderOpen Meeting StatementConfirm Quorum Review the Permit application and discussionPublic Comment on the applicationRecommendation to the Town Board Review the Town Recommendation sheetsDiscuss Commission member appointmentsNew BusinessAdjourn This will be an agenda item for consideration by the Town Board, at the regular monthly meeting on December 14, 2023 at 7:00 pm.
November 16th Town Board Minutes
Town of Little WolfMeeting ProceedingsThursday, November 16, 2023Little Wolf Town Hall
Chairman Moede called the regular monthly meeting to Order at 6:46 pm. Roll call showed Moede, R. Beyer, Niemuth, Wilz and Beyer present.
Beyer/Niemuth to approve the Agenda. Motion Carried 3-0.
Niemuth/Beyer to approve the October 12, 2023 Minutes. Motion Carried 3-0.
Wilz gave the fund balances. Total cash on hand, as of 11/12/2023, was $480,832.83. The Clerk and the Treasurer reconciled to the bank statement. Moede/Niemuth to approve the Treasurers report. Carried 3-0.
Constable’s Report: discussion regarding the contract for stray dogs with Wolf River Vets in New London. The contract will stay the same. The Chair will sign and send back.
Business:Niemuth/Beyer to approve the 2024 Budget. Carried.
Property tax collections will be done on two days, in person. Please look at your tax bill for the dates and times! Rabies vaccination certificates will be required for every dog. Please bring separate money for the dog tags.
Land Use Permits: 1 new home; one addition to a manufacturing; one addition to home w/ramp; 1 cutting permit received. One new fire number requested and ordered.
Fire/Ambulance: Fire Department has 25 members. Brush truck is expected by December (fingers crossed). Budget numbers are in. 10 calls for FD since last meeting. Ambulance Department got a Stryker cot off the surplus auction site- it was used, but great condition. The Ambulance Dept will be going to a Paramedic Flex service starting in January. Ambulance runs since last meeting: 21. Next meeting of the Fire Board is on Tuesday, November 21 at 6 pm. This meeting is open to the public.
Building Use: generator is back online. Gutters on the building above the generator will be put on next week.
Roads: Pot holes getting filled. Beyer reported signs getting pulled out over the past weekend. He had the County get the signs back up. Some missing night arrow signs were also replaced. Road signs that were missing will be replaced. Doud Road ditching will be tabled until the phone lines are fully located and confirmed we can do the project, or have them moved if necessary. Line of sight on intersections will be addressed with trimming this winter.
Correspondence was reviewed. Bills and checks were presented for payment. Checks numbering 3981-3998 were presented for payables. Moede/Niemuth to approve payment of bills with checks 3981-3998. Carried 3-0.
Beyer/Moede to adjourn. Meeting was adjourned at 8:02 pm.
These minutes are subject to Board approval.Respectfully submitted, Jackie Beyer, Clerk
Special Elector Meeting Minutes
Town of Little WolfSpecial Elector Meeting ProceedingsThursday, November 16, 2023Little Wolf Town Hall
The Public Hearing for the 2024 Budget came to Order at 6:30 pm at the Little Wolf Town Hall. The five board members were present: Moede, R. Beyer, T. Niemuth, R. Wilz and J. Beyer. Posting requirements were met. The 2024 Budget was discussed and questions answered.The Public Hearing was closed at 6:43pm.
The Special Meeting of the Electors was called to Order at 6:45 pm. The Chairman explained the voting procedures and who was allowed to make motions and vote. There were 5 Electors present. The vote to approve the 2023 tax year, payable 2024, levy of $260,184 was called: Motion by J. Beyer, seconded by R. Beyer, yes 5 and 0 nay.Meeting was adjourned at 6:46 pm. Respectfully Submitted,Jackie Beyer, Clerk
The Special Meeting of the Electors was called to Order at 6:45 pm. The Chairman explained the voting procedures and who was allowed to make motions and vote. There were 5 Electors present. The vote to approve the 2023 tax year, payable 2024, levy of $260,184 was called: Motion by J. Beyer, seconded by R. Beyer, yes 5 and 0 nay.Meeting was adjourned at 6:46 pm. Respectfully Submitted,Jackie Beyer, Clerk
November 16th Meeting Notices
TOWN OF LITTLE WOLF MEETING AGENDA Thursday, November 16, 2023 Little Wolf Town Hall E6325 County Rd N, Manawa Immediately following Special Electors Meeting to Adopt Levy
Open Meeting – THIS MEETING IS OPEN TO THE PUBLIC. IT HAS BEEN POSTED AND THE PRESS HAS BEEN NOTIFIED.Pledge of AllegianceRoll Call of Officials – Moede, Beyer, Niemuth, Wilz, BeyerApproval of Agenda-Clerk’s Report – Approval of October 12, 2023 MinutesTreasurer’s Report- Approval Constable’s Report – ApprovalPublic Input – Business:• Approve 2024 Budget• Property Tax Collections/ tax bill info• CSM- • Land Use Permits• Permits Issued – Buildings and Driveways• UDC Inspection Reports-• Fire Numbers- • Fire and Ambulance Report- next mtg November 21, 2023 at 6pm• Ordinances- • Building Use and Maintenance:• Generator check• Road Report/Maintenance Work• Road Inspection results/proposed projects• Budget Amendment(s), if necessary
CorrespondencePayment of Bills – Adjournment
Affidavit of Posting: this notice was posted on or before 11/13/2023Jackie Beyer, Clerk, Town of Little Wolf TOWN OF LITTLE WOLFBUDGET PUBLIC HEARINGNOVEMBER 16, 20236:30 PMAGENDA
Call to Order: This meeting is open to the public. It has been posted and the press has been notified.Roll call of Officers: Moede, R. Beyer, Niemuth, Wilz and J Beyer
Call to Order: All residents in attendance, eligible to vote as of the time of this meeting, are considered an ‘Elector’. All Electors may make or second a motion during this meeting.
Accept and approve the 2023 Levy, payable 2024 in the amount of $260,184.
AdjournPosted on 11/13/2022 by Jackie Beyer, Town Clerk
Open Meeting – THIS MEETING IS OPEN TO THE PUBLIC. IT HAS BEEN POSTED AND THE PRESS HAS BEEN NOTIFIED.Pledge of AllegianceRoll Call of Officials – Moede, Beyer, Niemuth, Wilz, BeyerApproval of Agenda-Clerk’s Report – Approval of October 12, 2023 MinutesTreasurer’s Report- Approval Constable’s Report – ApprovalPublic Input – Business:• Approve 2024 Budget• Property Tax Collections/ tax bill info• CSM- • Land Use Permits• Permits Issued – Buildings and Driveways• UDC Inspection Reports-• Fire Numbers- • Fire and Ambulance Report- next mtg November 21, 2023 at 6pm• Ordinances- • Building Use and Maintenance:• Generator check• Road Report/Maintenance Work• Road Inspection results/proposed projects• Budget Amendment(s), if necessary
CorrespondencePayment of Bills – Adjournment
Affidavit of Posting: this notice was posted on or before 11/13/2023Jackie Beyer, Clerk, Town of Little Wolf TOWN OF LITTLE WOLFBUDGET PUBLIC HEARINGNOVEMBER 16, 20236:30 PMAGENDA
Call to Order: This meeting is open to the public. It has been posted and the press has been notified.Roll call of Officers: Moede, R. Beyer, Niemuth, Wilz and J Beyer
Call to Order: All residents in attendance, eligible to vote as of the time of this meeting, are considered an ‘Elector’. All Electors may make or second a motion during this meeting.
Accept and approve the 2023 Levy, payable 2024 in the amount of $260,184.
AdjournPosted on 11/13/2022 by Jackie Beyer, Town Clerk
2024 Proposed Budget
2023REVENUES 10 MO Actual 2023 2024 % plus 2 MO EST BUDGET Budget Change
General Property Taxes 258,679 258,679 260,184 0.01% State Shared Revenue 53,167 53,167 106,539 100.3%Transportation Aids 129,236 129,236.18 129,236 State Insurance Refund 5380 5380 5380Pers. Property Aids 798 798 798 License and Permit 1,000 1,000 1,000 Rent 750 750 2,000 63%Other Revenue 8,500 8500 4,250 -50%T.R.I.P. Money 0 0 0 Cash Carryover 53,511.99 81,670 40,424.50 -74.6% TOTAL REVENUES $511,021.99 $ 539,180.18 $549,811.50
EXPENDITURESLocal Government 105,000 160,000 160,000 Highways 275,693 200,000 200,000 Fire/ Ambulance 115,503 116,129 156,500 35% Recreation 200 1,000 1000Landfill 2,237.50 2,237.50 2,237.50 Recycling 4,820 5,000 5,000 Comprehensive Planning 200 500 500Contingency Fund 7,368.49 54,313.68 24,574 -55% TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ 511,021.99 $539,180.18 $549,811.50
To Consider:
We have a balance of $ 425,000 (est) in the Money Market account at Year end.The Town does not have any debt at this time.
There are 47.27 miles of roads in the Town of Little WolfPopulation estimate is 1387
Fire and Ambulance Departments are proposing a 5% and 63% increase respectively.
2023REVENUES 10 MO Actual 2023 2024 % plus 2 MO EST BUDGET Budget Change
General Property Taxes 258,679 258,679 260,184 0.01% State Shared Revenue 53,167 53,167 106,539 100.3%Transportation Aids 129,236 129,236.18 129,236 State Insurance Refund 5380 5380 5380Pers. Property Aids 798 798 798 License and Permit 1,000 1,000 1,000 Rent 750 750 2,000 63%Other Revenue 8,500 8500 4,250 -50%T.R.I.P. Money 0 0 0 Cash Carryover 53,511.99 81,670 40,424.50 -74.6% TOTAL REVENUES $511,021.99 $ 539,180.18 $549,811.50
EXPENDITURESLocal Government 105,000 160,000 160,000 Highways 275,693 200,000 200,000 Fire/ Ambulance 115,503 116,129 156,500 35% Recreation 200 1,000 1000Landfill 2,237.50 2,237.50 2,237.50 Recycling 4,820 5,000 5,000 Comprehensive Planning 200 500 500Contingency Fund 7,368.49 54,313.68 24,574 -55% TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ 511,021.99 $539,180.18 $549,811.50
To Consider:
We have a balance of $ 425,000 (est) in the Money Market account at Year end.The Town does not have any debt at this time.
There are 47.27 miles of roads in the Town of Little WolfPopulation estimate is 1387
Fire and Ambulance Departments are proposing a 5% and 63% increase respectively.
**Notice of Budget Public Hearing**
Notice to Residents of the Town of Little Wolf, Waupaca County:
The Town Board will hold the Budget Public Hearing on Thursday, November 16, 2023 at 6:30 pm to take comments on the proposed Budget for 2024, at the Little Wolf Town Hall at E6325 County Rd N, Manawa , WI.
The 2024 proposed Budget, in detail, is posted at the Manawa Area Recycling Center and the Town Hall, and available by contacting the Town Clerk, by email at Also available for viewing on the
Town website:
Notice to Residents of the Town of Little Wolf, Waupaca County Notice is hereby given that a Special Electors Meeting of the Town of Little Wolf, will be held at the Little Wolf Town Hall, at E6325 County Rd N, Manawa, WI on Thursday, November 16, 2023. This Special Meeting of the Electors will take place immediately following the Budget Public Hearing, which starts at 6:30pm. The purpose of this meeting is to approve the levy for the 2023 property taxes, payable 2024. The Town of Little Wolf Regular Monthly Town Board Meeting will be held immediately following the Special Town Meeting of the Electors.
Affidavit of Posting- These meetings were posted at the 2 posting places and on the town website on 10-27-2023. Signed Jackie Beyer, Town Clerk
Notice to Residents of the Town of Little Wolf, Waupaca County Notice is hereby given that a Special Electors Meeting of the Town of Little Wolf, will be held at the Little Wolf Town Hall, at E6325 County Rd N, Manawa, WI on Thursday, November 16, 2023. This Special Meeting of the Electors will take place immediately following the Budget Public Hearing, which starts at 6:30pm. The purpose of this meeting is to approve the levy for the 2023 property taxes, payable 2024. The Town of Little Wolf Regular Monthly Town Board Meeting will be held immediately following the Special Town Meeting of the Electors.
Affidavit of Posting- These meetings were posted at the 2 posting places and on the town website on 10-27-2023. Signed Jackie Beyer, Town Clerk
Minutes from October Meeting
Town of Little WolfMeeting ProceedingsThursday, October 12, 2023Little Wolf Town Hall
Chairman Moede called the regular monthly meeting to Order at 7:00 pm. Roll call showed Moede, R. Beyer, Niemuth and Beyer present. Wilz was excused. One visitor
Beyer/Niemuth to approve the Agenda. Motion Carried 3-0.
Beyer/Niemuth to approve the September 14, 2023 Minutes. Motion Carried 3-0.
Clerk gave the fund balances, as furnished by the Treasurer. Total cash on hand, as of 10/7/2023, was $483,254.41. Total Interest to all accounts year to date was $10,077.96. The Clerk and the Treasurer reconciled to the bank statement. Niemuth/Beyer to approve the Treasurers report. Carried 3-0.
Constable’s Report: one dog dropped at the Chair’s house. Beyer had a call for one stray dog. It was returned to owner. Moede/Niemuth to approve the Constable’s Report. Carried by all.
Business:TAC membership: Discussion regarding the benefits of dues to the Towns Advocacy Council included the return on the investment, mainly the lobbying done to get the Town’s more revenues. The Shared Revenue boost in the budget starting 2024 will continue yearly. 2023 SR was $53,167, and 2024 will be $106,539. This is directly due to the TAC membership dues and the associated support of the lobbying. Beyer/Niemuth to join the TAC. Carried 3-0.
After the Public Hearing held prior to this Town Board meeting, the Ordinance to amend the Comprehensive Plan to allow for a Zone Map amendment and Comp Plan change for the Terry and Julie Lind property was discussed. Moede/Niemuth to approve Ordinance 23-5 as presented. Carried 3-0. Beyer/Niemuth to approve the Zone Map Amendment for same property. Carried 3-0. Ordinance will take effect upon posting, which will occur on October 13, 2023. All paperwork will be sent to Waupaca County Zoning office.
Land Use Permits: 1 for addition to shed, accessory structure; 3 cutting permits received
UDC Permits: 2 received- 1- electrical upgrade and 1- new home
Fire/Ambulance: Last meeting told us all passed the fit test for Fire Dept... 2 new prospective members. Fire Dept has had 102 runs this year so far. Ambulance reported 28 runs for August. Cardiac monitor expected soon. EMT class at Tech school cancelled. Will be having a class at Manawa next spring. Budget talks are in process. Next meeting is October 17th, at 6 pm.
Building Use: generator needs a look at. It was not showing green light on meeting night. Master Electric to follow up with Sup. Beyer on the generator.
Roads: Paser rating to the state has been completed. Locates on Doud Rd have been completed. Waiting to find how deep the located lines are. Fall Road Inspection will take place on Saturday, October 21, 2023, starting at 8 am from the Town Hall. Decision on Doud Road will be made at this meeting, using the quotes received. Work on the rock on Nicolai Rd has not been completed.
Budget Amendment # 2023-06 was discussed. Moede/Niemuth to approve Resolution 2023-06. Carried 3-0. The Amendment reads: BE IT RESOLVED by the TOWN BOARD of the Town of Little Wolf as follows: That the sum of $1,000.00 shall be transferred from the Gen Gov’t account to the Fire and Ambulance account.
Budget Public Hearing on Nov 16, 2023, at 6:30 pm, followed by Special Elector meeting to approve the Levy. The regular Town Board will follow the Special Elector’s meeting. Note the date change for the regular monthly meeting, due to the Town’s Association meeting being one week early this quarter.
Correspondence was reviewed. Bills and checks were presented for payment. Checks numbering 3968-3980 were presented for payables. Moede/Beyer to approve payment of bills with checks 3968-3980. Carried 3-0.
Beyer/Moede to adjourn. Meeting was adjourned at 8:13 pm.
These minutes are subject to Board approval.Respectfully submitted, Jackie Beyer, Clerk
Public Hearing at 6:30pm, to take comments on the Lind Comp Plan Amendment- Notice is below
TOWN OF LITTLE WOLF MEETING AGENDA Thursday, October 12, 2023 Little Wolf Town Hall E6325 County Rd N, Manawa 7:00 PM
Open Meeting – THIS MEETING IS OPEN TO THE PUBLIC. IT HAS BEEN POSTED AND THE PRESS HAS BEEN NOTIFIED.Pledge of AllegianceRoll Call of Officials – Moede, Beyer, Niemuth, Wilz, BeyerApproval of Agenda-Clerk’s Report – Approval of September 14, 2023 MinutesTreasurer’s Report- Approval Constable’s Report – ApprovalPublic Input – Business:• TAC membership approval• Action on the Lind application for Zone Map amend and Comp Plan Amendment to Ordinance• CSM- • Land Use Permits• Permits Issued – Buildings and Driveways• UDC Inspection Reports-• Fire Numbers- • Fire and Ambulance Report- next mtg October 17, 2023 at 6pm• Ordinances- • Building Use and Maintenance:• Generator check• Road Report/Maintenance Work• Fall Road Inspection• Budget Amendment(s), if necessary• Budget 2024- Schedule Workshop?• Reschedule November Board Meeting (TA on Nov 9)CorrespondencePayment of Bills – Adjournment
Affidavit of Posting: this notice was posted on or before 10/10/2023Jackie Beyer, Clerk, Town of Little Wolf
Open Meeting – THIS MEETING IS OPEN TO THE PUBLIC. IT HAS BEEN POSTED AND THE PRESS HAS BEEN NOTIFIED.Pledge of AllegianceRoll Call of Officials – Moede, Beyer, Niemuth, Wilz, BeyerApproval of Agenda-Clerk’s Report – Approval of September 14, 2023 MinutesTreasurer’s Report- Approval Constable’s Report – ApprovalPublic Input – Business:• TAC membership approval• Action on the Lind application for Zone Map amend and Comp Plan Amendment to Ordinance• CSM- • Land Use Permits• Permits Issued – Buildings and Driveways• UDC Inspection Reports-• Fire Numbers- • Fire and Ambulance Report- next mtg October 17, 2023 at 6pm• Ordinances- • Building Use and Maintenance:• Generator check• Road Report/Maintenance Work• Fall Road Inspection• Budget Amendment(s), if necessary• Budget 2024- Schedule Workshop?• Reschedule November Board Meeting (TA on Nov 9)CorrespondencePayment of Bills – Adjournment
Affidavit of Posting: this notice was posted on or before 10/10/2023Jackie Beyer, Clerk, Town of Little Wolf
Fall Road Inspection Notice
Town of Little WolfMeeting NoticeSaturday, October 21, 2023 8:00 AM
The Town Board of the Town of Little Wolf, will be making its Road Inspection on Saturday, October 21, at 8:00 AM, until finished. The starting point will be at E6325 County Rd N, Little Wolf Town Hall.The purpose of the inspection is to determine necessary road work to be accomplished.The Board will also be reviewing quotes for the project on Doud Road, and awarding the project (previously approved) to the best quote.If you have any concerns or issues, please call the Clerk at 920-596-2143.
The Town Board of the Town of Little Wolf, will be making its Road Inspection on Saturday, October 21, at 8:00 AM, until finished. The starting point will be at E6325 County Rd N, Little Wolf Town Hall.The purpose of the inspection is to determine necessary road work to be accomplished.The Board will also be reviewing quotes for the project on Doud Road, and awarding the project (previously approved) to the best quote.If you have any concerns or issues, please call the Clerk at 920-596-2143.
Minutes from September 14th
Town of Little WolfMeeting ProceedingsThursday, September 14, 2023Little Wolf Town Hall
Chairman Moede called the regular monthly meeting to Order at 7:00 pm. Roll call showed Moede, R. Beyer, Niemuth, Wilz and Beyer present.
Beyer/Niemuth to approve the Agenda. Motion Carried 3-0.Moede/Niemuth to approve the August 10, 2023 Minutes. Motion Carried 3-0.Wilz gave the fund balances. The total cash on hand, as of 9/10/2023, was $505,031.35. Total Interest to all accounts year to date was $8,765.92. The Clerk and the Treasurer reconciled to the bank statement. Beyer/Niemuth to approve the Treasurers report. Carried 3-0. Constable’s Report: none
Public Input: Response from East Central Planning regarding last month’s discussion regarding lot lines pertaining to a local pit. East Central did an on- site and determined the lot line was 17 ft from the edge of production. The set back is 10 ft. The mine is found to be in compliance.
Business:Clerk asked for approval to be reimbursed for the training fee for the Towns Association Fall Workshops. It is next Monday, and will be at Steven’s Point. Moede/Niemuth to approve the expense. Carried 3-0.The WI Historical Society replied to the letter of intent to destroy obsolete records; their response was to decline the offer of any such records, essentially giving the go ahead to get rid of the listed items.TAC membership: table until further info on the Shared Revenue is brought by the Clerk.Land Use Permits: principal structure/hay equipment storage; accessory structure/shed for animals and storage; Pool, sheds, patio; Lean-to addition to shed; addition to dwelling, deck; new home, patio, deck attached garage;UDC Permits: 3 received- 1- covered deck; 1- detached garage; 1- generator installOne Fire Number sign ordered for Cty Hwy N. Already installed. Fire/Ambulance: Last month: memorial service for all fallen firefighters. Went to assist at the River Rail fire. Final Inspection on the new Brush truck. One firefighter resigned. 11 calls for July. Ambulance had 37 runs for July. 2 new applicants for EMT’s. One of the current EMT’s will be doing the training for the new compression machine. The annual audit of the 2 departments was completed with no issues. Next meeting is September 19, at 6 pm.Building Use: generator is working well.Roads: Pot hole on N Water Drive and other spots were filled. Speed Limit sign on Beech St was replaced to have the proper reflectivity. Doud Road will have the locating done so quotes for the ditching can be obtained.Budget Amendment # 2023-05 was discussed. Moede/Niemuth to approve Resolution 2023-05. Carried by all. The Amendment reads: BE IT RESOLVED by the TOWN BOARD of the Town of Little Wolf as follows: That the sum of $3,128.62 shall be transferred from the Gen Gov’t account to the Fire and Ambulance account. Correspondence was reviewed. Bills and checks were presented for payment. Checks numbering 3950-3967 were presented for payables. Moede/Beyer to approve payment of bills with checks 3950-3967. Carried 3-0.
Moede/Beyer to adjourn. Meeting was adjourned at 8:26 pm.
These minutes are subject to Board approval.Respectfully submitted, Jackie Beyer, Clerk
Agenda for September 14, 2023
TOWN OF LITTLE WOLF MEETING AGENDA Thursday, September 14, 2023 Little Wolf Town Hall E6325 County Rd N, Manawa 7:00 PM
Open Meeting – THIS MEETING IS OPEN TO THE PUBLIC. IT HAS BEEN POSTED AND THE PRESS HAS BEEN NOTIFIED.Pledge of AllegianceRoll Call of Officials – Moede, Beyer, Niemuth, Wilz, BeyerApproval of Agenda-Clerk’s Report – Approval of August 10, 2023 MinutesTreasurer’s Report- Approval Constable’s Report – ApprovalPublic Input – Business:• Approve Clerks’ attendance to WTA Budget Workshop• Wis Historical Society response for record disposal• TAC membership approval• Planning Commission: recommendation and action on the Lind application for Zone Map amend and Comp Plan Amendment• CSM- • Land Use Permits• Permits Issued – Buildings and Driveways• UDC Inspection Reports-• Fire Numbers- • Fire and Ambulance Report- next mtg September 19, 2023 at 6pm• Ordinances- • Building Use and Maintenance:• Generator check• Road Report/Maintenance Work• Budget Amendment(s), if necessary• Budget Process Timeline CorrespondencePayment of Bills – Adjournment Affidavit of Posting: this notice was posted on or before 9/11/2023Jackie Beyer, Clerk, Town of Little Wolf
Open Meeting – THIS MEETING IS OPEN TO THE PUBLIC. IT HAS BEEN POSTED AND THE PRESS HAS BEEN NOTIFIED.Pledge of AllegianceRoll Call of Officials – Moede, Beyer, Niemuth, Wilz, BeyerApproval of Agenda-Clerk’s Report – Approval of August 10, 2023 MinutesTreasurer’s Report- Approval Constable’s Report – ApprovalPublic Input – Business:• Approve Clerks’ attendance to WTA Budget Workshop• Wis Historical Society response for record disposal• TAC membership approval• Planning Commission: recommendation and action on the Lind application for Zone Map amend and Comp Plan Amendment• CSM- • Land Use Permits• Permits Issued – Buildings and Driveways• UDC Inspection Reports-• Fire Numbers- • Fire and Ambulance Report- next mtg September 19, 2023 at 6pm• Ordinances- • Building Use and Maintenance:• Generator check• Road Report/Maintenance Work• Budget Amendment(s), if necessary• Budget Process Timeline CorrespondencePayment of Bills – Adjournment Affidavit of Posting: this notice was posted on or before 9/11/2023Jackie Beyer, Clerk, Town of Little Wolf
Notice of Public Hearing- October 12th
The Township of Little Wolf will hold a public hearing to consider approval of an amendment to the comprehensive plan, and changes to the preferred land use map. The purpose of the amendment and map change is to remove a newly created parcel, (proposed), from Farmland Preservation and change the zoning to AWT, to allow for residential development.
The Town Board will meet and hold a public hearing to consider this amendment at a Town Board meeting on October 12, 2023 at 6:30 p.m. at the Little Wolf Town Hall, located at E6325 County Hwy N, Manawa, WI 54949.
Copies of the plan or amendment are available for inspection prior to the hearing by contacting Ryan Brown, Planning & Zoning Director, at 715-258-6258 during normal business hours (8:00am – 4:00pm). Written comments will also be accepted at : Town of Little Wolf, PO Box 8, Manawa, WI 54949, until October 11, 2023, 6:30 PM. Or you may email the Clerk at more information, contact Clerk, Jackie Beyer, at 920-596-2143.
The Township of Little Wolf will hold a public hearing to consider approval of an amendment to the comprehensive plan, and changes to the preferred land use map. The purpose of the amendment and map change is to remove a newly created parcel, (proposed), from Farmland Preservation and change the zoning to AWT, to allow for residential development.
The Town Board will meet and hold a public hearing to consider this amendment at a Town Board meeting on October 12, 2023 at 6:30 p.m. at the Little Wolf Town Hall, located at E6325 County Hwy N, Manawa, WI 54949.
Copies of the plan or amendment are available for inspection prior to the hearing by contacting Ryan Brown, Planning & Zoning Director, at 715-258-6258 during normal business hours (8:00am – 4:00pm). Written comments will also be accepted at : Town of Little Wolf, PO Box 8, Manawa, WI 54949, until October 11, 2023, 6:30 PM. Or you may email the Clerk at more information, contact Clerk, Jackie Beyer, at 920-596-2143.
Notice of Planning Commission Meeting
Notice of Planning Commission MeetingThursday, September 7, 20236:30 pmLittle Wolf Town Hall
The Planning Commission will hold a meeting on Thursday, September 7, 2023 at 6:30 pm at the Little Wolf Town Hall. The item for consideration is a recommendation to the Town Board, for Zone Map amendment applications for a portion of parcel 13-20-43-11, owned by Terry and Julie Lind. This parcel was created in 2013 and did not have a development right for it at the time of creation. The applicant is now looking at potentially having two sites on the parcel for residential development. To do this they will need to remove the parcel from the farmland preservation area, which requires an amendment to the comprehensive plan, and also change the zoning to the Agriculture and Woodland Transition (AWT) district.
The Planning Commission Agenda is as follows: Call to OrderOpen Meeting StatementConfirm Quorum Review the Permit application and discussionPublic Comment on the applicationApprove Resolution to proceed with processRecommendation to the Town Board New BusinessAdjourn
The Planning Commission Agenda is as follows: Call to OrderOpen Meeting StatementConfirm Quorum Review the Permit application and discussionPublic Comment on the applicationApprove Resolution to proceed with processRecommendation to the Town Board New BusinessAdjourn
Minutes from August 10th Meeting
Town of Little WolfMeeting ProceedingsThursday, August 10, 2023Little Wolf Town Hall
Chairman Moede called the regular monthly meeting to Order at 7:00 pm. Roll call showed Moede, R. Beyer, Niemuth, Wilz and Beyer present.
Beyer/Moede to approve the Agenda. Motion Carried 3-0.
Beyer/Niemuth to approve the July 13, 2023 Minutes. Motion Carried 3-0.
Wilz gave the fund balances. The total cash on hand, as of 8/6/2023, was $472,666.68. The Clerk and the Treasurer reconciled to the bank statement. License issued for the dog spoken about last month. Moede/Niemuth to approve the Treasurers report. Carried 3-0.
Constable’s Report: Moede followed up on the dog situation on Rodeo weekend. No further action is expected. Beyer/Niemuth to approve Constable’s report. Carried 3-0.
Public Input: Kevin Hass asked what Little Wolf has for regulation for setbacks for lot lines. The pit adjacent to his land is pushing clay over the lot line and over his berm. He is concerned when it does rain, it will cause a lot of problems. The Clerk was asked to make a couple of calls the next morning to have the lot lines and set back identified.
Business:The County Parks Committee and the County Board both approved receiving the property on Bridge Rd known as Fahser’s Bridge Landing, as it is being conveyed from the Town. There is no change to the tax base, as it was tax exempt under the Town’s ownership and remains tax exempt under County ownership. Moede/Beyer to approve the quit claim and sign same. Carried 3-0. The Quit Claim Deed was signed by the Chair and Clerk.
Two Land Use Permits: one attached garage; one covered patio.
UDC Permits: 3 received- 2 for garage and one for an addition
One Fire Number sign ordered for Starr on North Water Drive.
One driveway permit request on North Water Drive. Will be doing permit closer to the planned building.
Fire/Ambulance: Meet the Fleet on July 18th at Rodeo Grounds. Fire Dept responded to the Coloma Fire. 81 calls for Fire Dept since Nov 1, 2022. Ambulance had 27 runs for June. Ambulance rec’d $7,500 from Sturm Foundation; the Fire Dept received $10,500 from Sturm Foundation. Next meeting is August 15, at 6 pm.
Building Use: generator is working well.
Roads: Ditching on Spring Creek Rd, and matting done the next day. Farmer was happy to see the work done. The Doud Rd ditching will be done after the corn is harvested, and the farmer is ok with the dirt being put in a low spot. Quotes will be requested to do the work. Patching on Cemetery Rd and culverts were paved over. Ditch mowing will be getting done this month. Sight lines at corners were discussed. Complaints have been received. Two specific spots were discussed. More in the town will be identified as the supervisors travel the roads. Culvert by PTF needs to be looked at, Beyer will check it out.
Budget Amendment # 2023-04 was discussed. Moede/Niemuth to approve Resolution 2023-04. Carried by all. The Amendment reads: BE IT RESOLVED by the TOWN BOARD of the Town of Little Wolf as follows: That the sum of $71,648.73 from the Cash Carryover account, to the Roads account; And the sum of $737.50 be transferred from the General Gov’t fund to the Landfill Account.
Correspondence was reviewed. Bills and checks were presented for payment. Checks numbering 3933-3935 and 3938-3949 were presented for payables. Beyer/Niemuth to approve payment of bills with checks 3933-3935 and 3938-3949. Carried 3-0.
Moede/Beyer to adjourn. Meeting was adjourned at 8:26 pm.
These minutes are subject to Board approval.Respectfully submitted, Jackie Beyer, Clerk
Meeting Notice/Agenda for August 10, 2024
TOWN OF LITTLE WOLF MEETING AGENDA Thursday, August 10, 2024 Little Wolf Town Hall E6325 County Rd N, Manawa 7:00 PM
Open Meeting – THIS MEETING IS OPEN TO THE PUBLIC. IT HAS BEEN POSTED AND THE PRESS HAS BEEN NOTIFIED.Pledge of AllegianceRoll Call of Officials – Moede, Beyer, Niemuth, Wilz, BeyerApproval of Agenda-Clerk’s Report – Approval of July 13, 2023 MinutesTreasurer’s Report- Approval Constable’s Report – ApprovalPublic Input – Business:• Approve/Sign Quit Claim of Fahser’s Bridge Landing to County• CSM- • Land Use Permits• Permits Issued – Buildings and Driveways• UDC Inspection Reports-• Fire Numbers- • Fire and Ambulance Report- next mtg August 15, 2023 at 6pm• Ordinances- • Building Use and Maintenance:• Generator check• Road Report/Maintenance Work- ditching on Spring Creek• Discuss Sight Lines on Intersections- determine which need trimming• Budget Amendment(s), if necessary
CorrespondencePayment of Bills – Adjournment
Open Meeting – THIS MEETING IS OPEN TO THE PUBLIC. IT HAS BEEN POSTED AND THE PRESS HAS BEEN NOTIFIED.Pledge of AllegianceRoll Call of Officials – Moede, Beyer, Niemuth, Wilz, BeyerApproval of Agenda-Clerk’s Report – Approval of July 13, 2023 MinutesTreasurer’s Report- Approval Constable’s Report – ApprovalPublic Input – Business:• Approve/Sign Quit Claim of Fahser’s Bridge Landing to County• CSM- • Land Use Permits• Permits Issued – Buildings and Driveways• UDC Inspection Reports-• Fire Numbers- • Fire and Ambulance Report- next mtg August 15, 2023 at 6pm• Ordinances- • Building Use and Maintenance:• Generator check• Road Report/Maintenance Work- ditching on Spring Creek• Discuss Sight Lines on Intersections- determine which need trimming• Budget Amendment(s), if necessary
CorrespondencePayment of Bills – Adjournment